For context, I got mine done just over two years ago. No complications (as of yet…). I’ve also got two kids already.

A few guys at work were absolutely baffled by my decision, and I even heard one was questioning my masculinity.

    7 months ago

    Just got mine done this past October. Almost a year after kid number 2.

    We had 7 years of infertility issues before our first kid. Then 4 years later had our 2nd. I told the wife shortly after we found out she was pregnant with number 2 that when this kid pops I’m getting the snip. She was offended that I didn’t talk to her about that decision because she wanted to talk about more.

    Well, by birthing time of number 2 there had been enough complications for her that she’s ready for me to get the snip. I don’t regret waiting a bit for her to make sure she’s fully good with the decision though.

    If you do get it done make sure to give the follow-up samples after the fact to ensure the procedure worked.