Team 0% is attempting to clear every level in Super Mario Maker before the servers shut down on April 8. (New level uploads have been disabled since 2021, so there is no danger of new levels appearing at the last minute.) As of a few days ago, only a single level remains: Trimming the Herbs, uploaded in 2017 by Ahoyoo. (See also Ahoyoo’s original upload video.)

The level is short but extremely precise, requiring Mario to use Bob-ombs to precisely remove Pirahna Plants and collect coins while navigating a tight space filled with spikes. There have been over 200,000 attempts so far! If you have a Wii U and feel like you might be a Mario master, this is your opportunity to pick up the final First Clear in Super Mario Maker history.

    6 months ago

    In 2024, you don’t own your games. You have a license to use the software that contains the game. This license is most likely pretty broadly and easily revokable by Nintendo for any reason they seem necessary. The only actual owners of the game itself is Nintendo, so in that sense, if you did own the game as in you’re Nintendo, you could play it all you want bar the fact you recently decided to shut it down. But as a regular license holder, this is just modern gaming.