Take a look through the modlog and it’s clear mods are banning people just because they disagree with/don’t like them. Even when rules aren’t being broken, posts are still getting removed.

I think the mod team doesn’t follow its own rules. If they see a post they disagree with or one that gets lots of reports, then they’ll just make up a rule that it’s breaking to remove it.

I encourage everyone to inspect the modlog for themselves to see what is being censored from them.

The mods here clearly have a biased agenda and are manipulating posts to serve that agenda.

Does anyone know of any less-biased/corrupt news communities?

  • jordanlund@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Not a mod here, but mod of Politics and World News and there have been a BUNCH of new spam/troll accounts lately, some of whom are mimicking the user names of good contributors in the hopes of getting them banned.

    That being said, I’d expect THIS post to get removed as it’s meta in content, I dunno how seriously the News mods take it, we’d remove it in Politics and World News, but then I’d also stickie an explanation for what’s going on.