• TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee
    6 months ago

    You don’t have to guess](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/lobbying?ind=Q13). Around $16 million dollars per year of that profit is going to far-right Republicans. It used to only be $8 million a year but for some mysterious reason it doubled in 2012

    Lol, 8-16 million dollars is a tiny fraction of gun sales in America, you just proved my point.

    Honestly, what more could the far-right possibly ask of their useful pro-gun idiots on the left? They’re allowing fascists and fuckwits to buy all the guns they want

    My dude, they already have the guns. They already have their people in Congress and in the judicial system, gun laws are not happening. If you could actually pass them, I’d gladly give up my rifle.

    very consistent in your ideals are you? We’ve been waiting 40 years for guns to deliver on all the bullshit promises that gun advocates make.

    Lol, I’m not trying to solve crime, I’m just protecting my home. Mainly because the state is unwilling to do so.

    You’re here literally trying to drive up gun sales for a battle that isn’t just unwinnable, it’s demonstrably unnecessary.

    Personal protection is an unwinnable battle?

    h you mean the Black Panther Party? The people who did the exact thing you’re talking about? The ones who were demonized by the media and executed by the state? The ones whose goals still haven’t been achieved?

    No I mean every weapons prohibition going back to before we were a country has been based on prohibiting people of color from protecting themselves. Free black families weren’t even allowed to own guard dogs, as it made it harder for lynching mobs to have their fun.

    slimy pro-gun “gun control is racist”

    Can you name a weapons prohibition in America that was not spurred on by race relations in America?

    You are just a privileged liberal who has no grasp on anything outside your lily white bubble of comfort your life has afforded you.

    I still haven’t heard how exactly you would confront someone who’s trying to do you violence. I know you have no experience being hated for the color of your skin, but I’m sure you have an imagination of sorts. So, how do you talk your way out of a hate crime?