How are you grinding, if applicable?

How are you brewing it?

What’s your favorite brand of instant, if applicable?

Are you satisfied with the taste?

Do you need ideas on how to make it better?

    6 months ago

    Got a fancy new Timemore Sculptor 078s grinder this week. Noticeable upgrade from my Baratza Encore, but I’m still working on sorting out grind settings and general methodology. Static is definitely more noticeable now, hot loading is a new concept for me, still sorting out what the RPM settings are doing, etc.

    Was at a farmer’s market where Catfish Coffee was selling bags so I’ve been drinking their Sunny Side Up roast this week. It’s a “normal” tasting light roast, I’ve never gotten any super exciting flavour profiles out of it, so it’s actually kind of nice as a way to play with the new grinder. I can play around quite a bit and still get a pretty solid cup of coffee, but I know it well enough that I can sort of tell whether I’m doing better or worse.