This is just a draft, best refrain from linking. (I hope we’ll get this up tomorrow or Monday. edit: probably this week? edit 2: it’s up!!) The [bracketed] stuff is links to cites.

Please critique!

A vision came to us in a dream — and certainly not from any nameable person — on the current state of the venture capital fueled AI and machine learning industry. We asked around and several in the field concurred.

AIs are famous for “hallucinating” made-up answers with wrong facts. The hallucinations are not decreasing. In fact, the hallucinations are getting worse.

If you know how large language models work, you will understand that all output from a LLM is a “hallucination” — it’s generated from the latent space and the training data. But if your input contains mostly facts, then the output has a better chance of not being nonsense.

Unfortunately, the VC-funded AI industry runs on the promise of replacing humans with a very large shell script. If the output is just generated nonsense, that’s a problem. There is a slight panic among AI company leadership about this.

Even more unfortunately, the AI industry has run out of untainted training data. So they’re seriously considering doing the stupidest thing possible: training AIs on the output of other AIs. This is already known to make the models collapse into gibberish. [WSJ, archive]

There is enough money floating around in tech VC to fuel this nonsense for another couple of years — there are hundreds of billions of dollars (family offices, sovereign wealth funds) desperate to find an investment. If ever there was an argument for swingeing taxation followed by massive government spending programs, this would be it.

Ed Zitron gives it three more quarters (nine months). The gossip concurs with Ed on this being likely to last for another three quarters. There should be at least one more wave of massive overhiring. [Ed Zitron]

The current workaround is to hire fresh Ph.Ds to fix the hallucinations and try to underpay them on the promise of future wealth. If you have a degree with machine learning in it, gouge them for every penny you can while the gouging is good.

AI is holding up the S&P 500. This means that when the AI VC bubble pops, tech will drop. Whenever the NASDAQ catches a cold, bitcoin catches COVID — so expect crypto to go through the floor in turn.

    5 months ago

    The best way I can relate current LLM’s is the early days of the microprocessor.

    i promise we did it! we made iphone 2! this is just like iphone 2! of course it doesn’t work yet but it will work eventually! we made iphone 2 please believe us!!

    he’s already banned but i love how every time this argument comes up there’s absolutely no substance to the metaphor. “ai is like the internet/microprocessors/the industrial revolution/the Renaissance”, but there’s no connective tissue or actual relation between the things being compared, just some hand-waving around the general idea of progress and pointing to other popular/revolutionary things and going “see! it’s just like that!”

    The majority of hallucinations are due to user input errors that are not accounted for in the model tokenizer and loader code. This is just standard code errors. Processing every possible spelling, punctuation, and grammar error is a difficult task.

    “i’m sorry, but you used the wrong form of ‘their’ in your prompt, that’s why it inexplicably included half a review of Click in your meeting summary.”

    AI is like a mirror of yourself upon the dataset. It can only reflect what is present in the dataset and only in a simulacrum of yourself through the prompts you generate. It will show you what you want to see. It is unrivaled access to information if you have the character to find yourself and what you are looking for in that reflection.

    s-tier. no notes. does lemmy have user flairs? because if so i’m calling dibs

      5 months ago

      It doesn’t have flairs yet (I also thought of that a while back), but I guess now we can do it in philthy!

      • self@awful.systemsM
        5 months ago

        user flairs, even in a non-federated form, are a feature I’ve wanted since the beginning. they’d be a great early feature for philthy!