A shooting at a bar in a popular outdoor mall in a Miami suburb early Saturday left two dead and seven injured.

According to local law enforcement, an altercation at a martini bar at the CityPlace Doral complex broke out around 3:30 a.m. Saturday, prompting a security guard working the scene to intervene. A man involved in the altercation subsequently produced a gun and shot and killed the guard.

“You start hearing shots. And it wasn’t one. It was one after another, after another, after another,” recalled Peter Andres Jordan, who was in the bar at the time.

Two police officers then shot and killed the alleged gunman, but not before one officer and six bystanders — five men and a woman, according to police — were wounded in the shootout.

  • SupraMario@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I think these days you’re supposed to be pretending you don’t just mean “black people”.

    I’m a minority dipshit. Hillbillies usually kill each other in rural areas. Put your racist white privileged bullshit back in the box.

    Oh yeah, a whole 12 of them. That should stop it.

    Lol yeah only 12…


    Don’t know what you think you’re talking about but they’ve done a lot more than 12.

    [With the gun lobby and pro-gun groups pushing for less and less of them every day](We have already around 20,000 gun laws between fed/state/local governments)

    Cool. That’s because most of the laws on the books today, effect minorities the most and are designed by racism.

    Didn’t take you long to trip over your own talking points. Straw purchases are prosecuted all the time but the problem is laws not being enforced?

    Yea lot of other laws don’t get enforced, like letting out criminals constantly who are actually violent, but keeping non violent drug offenders locked up.

    Love how slimy your wording is through all of that. “Most” gun owners make a token, voluntary effort to not sell guns to criminals. Should we look up exactly who has blocked and opposed universal background checks?

    Universal background checks do not work. Allowing firearm owners access to the DB would help people run their own checks during private sales. You can’t enforce a universal background check without a registry. That’s why it’s a stupid law that solves nothing. It’s more emotional bullshit from the anti gun crowd.

    We do know about it. We know that you’re 70% of mass shooters, with most of the remaining 30% being children of “responsible gun owners” who just took their parents poorly secured firearm. We know that we can trace more than half the guns recovered from crimes back to a “responsible gun owner”. We know that you’re significantly more likely to murder the people in your house, if they don’t kill themselves first

    Lol none of that is even remotely true. Stealing someone’s car then using it during a robbery doesn’t make the original owner responsible for the crime. But you’re incapable of understanding that.

    But it hasn’t impacted you or your buddies yet, so you don’t care.

    Lol cry more kid.

    Take your guns, lies and word salad of excuses and go fuck yourself.

    Lol hit a nerve did I? Keep up with your white privilege bullshit. Most people will never even see a firearm fired in a criminal way. It’s a statical anomaly, but it’s pushed to your TV and news constantly so it must happen to everyone daily.

    • DrOmNom@lemmy.ml
      5 months ago

      Oh wow you kept going with it. “Lol”. Do you also laugh when you’re nervous or in trouble? Amazing.

    • PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      I’m a minority dipshit. Hillbillies usually kill each other in rural areas. Put your racist white privileged bullshit back in the box

      Oh yeah? Well I’m 15 minorities so until you prove otherwise, everything I say is extra extra valid /s.

      Also, you just made yourself sound more far-right yet again. You’re just throwing around “white privilege” like a Fox News viewer with seemingly no understanding of what it means.

      You may or may not be a minority, but you’re correct that you’re a dipshit.

      Don’t know what you think you’re talking about but they’ve done a lot more than 12.

      Good job you clown. Your own source says 31 people in 17 cases. Your “a lot more than 12” is literally 5 more. It’s not even twice as many.

      You could have hidden behind your “they don’t enforce enough” comment but nope, you wanted to push “straw purchases aren’t a problem” no matter how humiliating.

      Cool. That’s because most of the laws on the books today, effect minorities the most and are designed by racism

      Isn’t it just fascinating how every time I reply to a pro-gun comment on Lemmy, they just happen to be black?

      But don’t worry, the “laws on the books today” are the work of the pro-gun groups you simp for. Have you already forgotten which of us is defending the current laws and which of us thinks they’re dogshit and need replacing?

      Yea lot of other laws don’t get enforced, like letting out criminals constantly who are actually violent

      Just a brief intermission in your “as a left wing black man” to slip in another right-wing authoritarian talking point. You know whenever there’s a mass shooting or domestic murder we can just look up their criminal history right?

      Universal background checks do not work. Allowing firearm owners access to the DB would help people run their own checks during private sales.

      Yeah you already made it clear that you were fine with just “most” gun owners just making a token, voluntary check before selling a gun to a stranger.

      You can’t enforce a universal background check without a registry. That’s why it’s a stupid law that solves nothing. It’s more emotional bullshit from the anti gun crowd.

      Oh look, the idiot who opposes the laws is explaining to me what the laws are again. You also used the word “emotional”, meaning my “pro-gun talking point” bingo card is solid black in every square. Are you just reading them off a list? It would explain why you’re delivering them so awkwardly.

      Lol none of that is even remotely true.

      Well if the guy trying to justify all his guns says it’s not true, that’s a good enough source for me, as long as he pinkie promises.

      Stealing someone’s car then using it during a robbery doesn’t make the original owner responsible for the crime.

      You should use that line if your child ever gets their hands on your poorly secured firearm and kills someone. Tell them that you’re not responsible, the child is. You’re completely blameless because you live in a world where “gross negligence” isn’t a thing.

      Lol cry more kid.

      Same line you use on victims of school shootings.

      Lol hit a nerve did I?

      Nope, I can swear without losing control of my emotions. It’s alarming that a gun owner seems to think that’s impossible. Do you really have so little self control?

      Keep up with your white privilege bullshit.

      I know you’re desperately trying to shame anyone progressive out supporting gun control but honestly its getting embarrassing to watch. You sound like you’re seconds away from claiming “Gun control is the woke agenda they teach liberals in CRT class to make them trans”.

      You haven’t linked a single thing I’ve said to white privilege, you’ve just bleated the phrase over and over again.

      It’s a statical anomaly, but it’s pushed to your TV and news constantly so it must happen to everyone daily.

      I’m sure all the families torn apart by gun violence can take comfort from knowing their loved ones were just a “statistical anomaly”.

      At least, they will if they don’t have any understanding of statistics and think that a clearly measurable phenomenon is an anomaly.

      • SupraMario@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        Oh yeah? Well I’m 15 minorities so until you prove otherwise, everything I say is extra extra valid /s.

        Also, you just made yourself sound more far-right yet again. You’re just throwing around “white privilege” like a Fox News viewer with seemingly no understanding of what it means.

        Hahaha yea I forgot how much faux news tosses out white privilege on their channel lol. What an idiot.

        You may or may not be a minority, but you’re correct that you’re a dipshit.

        Says the guy who can’t seem to understand his little ivory tower isn’t the real world and he’s afraid of stepping outside because he’s fed into the media of “guns will just murder you for no reason”.

        Good job you clown. Your own source says 31 people in 17 cases. Your “a lot more than 12” is literally 5 more. It’s not even twice as many.

        Yea all massive rings. People get popped for this shit a lot. It’s a huge issue.

        You could have hidden behind your “they don’t enforce enough” comment but nope, you wanted to push “straw purchases aren’t a problem” no matter how humiliating.

        Where did I say straw purchases weren’t a problem?

        Isn’t it just fascinating how every time I reply to a pro-gun comment on Lemmy, they just happen to be black?

        O no, does it hurt your feelings that left leaning people who are minorities have guns? Does that scare you? Are you afraid of them? Is that why you want to remove their force equalizers with laws that directly effect minorities and toss them in jail?

        But don’t worry, the “laws on the books today” are the work of the pro-gun groups you simp for. Have you already forgotten which of us is defending the current laws and which of us thinks they’re dogshit and need replacing?

        Where am I defending our current laws? Please show me. The laws we have need to be enforced, but needing more bullshit laws so you can feel safer which won’t happen is a joke.

        Just a brief intermission in your “as a left wing black man” to slip in another right-wing authoritarian talking point. You know whenever there’s a mass shooting or domestic murder we can just look up their criminal history right?

        Never said I was black champ. And yes, go ahead go look up how most of our shootings are from the inner city with black on black crime…and you seem to just want to toss more laws at that group instead of finding out the root cause of it all and fixing it. You sound like Bloomberg stop and frisk.

        PS, two of the most intelligent pro2a people in the gun groups are black. Colion Noir and Killer Mike. Since you seem to think only white rednecks own guns who are right wing authoritarians…unlike you who sounds like a left wing authoritarian…you should give them a listen. You might actually learn something.

        Yeah you already made it clear that you were fine with just “most” gun owners just making a token, voluntary check before selling a gun to a stranger.

        Lol the fuck do you think a UBC is going to do? Lol you think people won’t stop selling privately? Do you really think you can create a registry now.

        Oh look, the idiot who opposes the laws is explaining to me what the laws are again. You also used the word “emotional”, meaning my “pro-gun talking point” bingo card is solid black in every square. Are you just reading them off a list? It would explain why you’re delivering them so awkwardly.

        Please explain to the class how a UBC is enforced without a registry…the class is waiting.

        Well if the guy trying to justify all his guns says it’s not true, that’s a good enough source for me, as long as he pinkie promises.

        Says the guy who’s source is made up shit because it scares him

        You should use that line if your child ever gets their hands on your poorly secured firearm and kills someone. Tell them that you’re not responsible, the child is. You’re completely blameless because you live in a world where “gross negligence” isn’t a thing.

        Lol child, my firearms are in a safe lol fucking tool.

        Same line you use on victims of school shootings.

        O noooo the emotional child steps into the light to call me a child killer. Put it back into the deck.

        Nope, I can swear without losing control of my emotions. It’s alarming that a gun owner seems to think that’s impossible. Do you really have so little self control?

        Lol sure you can

        I know you’re desperately trying to shame anyone progressive out supporting gun control but honestly its getting embarrassing to watch. You sound like you’re seconds away from claiming “Gun control is the woke agenda they teach liberals in CRT class to make them trans”.

        You’re about as progressive as a rock. You’re idea is to lock up people and give more power to the police state to oppress minorities.

        You haven’t linked a single thing I’ve said to white privilege, you’ve just bleated the phrase over and over again.

        I don’t need to, your talking points are white privilege. You only see what your tiny world view allows you to see. You’re completely ok with arming more police and giving them more power, which will effect minorities even more than they do today.

        I’m sure all the families torn apart by gun violence can take comfort from knowing their loved ones were just a “statistical anomaly”.

        Car crashes, ODs, drownings, accidents of all kinds…all create heartache and sadness, but that’s life. Shit happens to good people.

        At least, they will if they don’t have any understanding of statistics and think that a clearly measurable phenomenon is an anomaly.

        Considering you keep bringing up mass shootings which are not usually mass shootings the way people think they are and you’re proposing a law/laws that will not change shit, based off emotions vs actual reality…yes it’s an anomaly, get over it.

        • PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          Didn’t read. Quick skim and it seems to be more lies (like switching from “17 is a lot of cases” to "31 people are massive rings) and then just awkward posturing about how you’re a manly man from the streets and I wouldn’t understand.

          Best of luck lying and shooting your way out of your problems and I’ll catch in the comments of the next shooting.