I had been on reddit for over 10 years. I had a huge karma total. I was a mod of several groups. Some political some not. As a mod I never banned anyone unless they obviously broke the group rules, called for violence, or harassed others.

About 5 years ago I was Permanently banned site wide. The post or comment (I don’t remember anymore) violated NO rules but apparently got many “reports”. After about 3 months I was finally able to find an Admin who reviewed my case. They reinstated me and came right out and said that I should not have been banned.

Then about a year ago I was permanently site wide banned again. Same scenario. Obviously broke no rules. But I’ll bet there were tons of “reports” which I think catches the attention of the admins. In my experience there I also saw numerous cases of trolls that would get pissed off at someone and then systematically go through their history and “report” every comment and post.

In the groups that I moderated I would see all the constant “reports”. Most were always from the same people who apparently had empty lives.

I have tried the standard appeal process without even an engagement over the issue by an Admin. I get the feeling that it is totally automated now and there are no actual ban reviews.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get to an individual Admin where I could actually discuss my ban?

    • Mickey7@lemmy.worldOP
      3 months ago

      It’s been a year since this happened. I honestly don’t remember, but I think it was a comment. A comment where I was paraphrasing a point made in a published news article. Apparently just mentioning something that others didn’t “like” was enough to piss people off.

      • NateNate60@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Forgive me for my skepticism, but too many times I’ve seen people complaining about the same thing as you only to get busted for having a comment history calling for genocide or filled with racial slurs.

        • Mickey7@lemmy.worldOP
          3 months ago

          LOL. I never once called for violence. I am not white and not a racist. And I never even called another poster an asshole. My thing was always lets have a civil discussion. And I guess my point is that all the things that we both would agree on that should cause a ban did not apply to me.