Latest foss drama. Consequences of your actions…

the /r/linux subreddit thread about this is as awful as you would imagine.

The SJW’s are coming for your toothbrush!!!-

    6 months ago

    I have to be honest comrade, when the events that are going on are “a trans person is being harassed by one of the biggest bigoted serial harassers in the community for enforcing basic code of conduct rules”, I think this kind of comment is unnecessary at best and harmful at worst, this is not a “both sides” issue by any means

    This person you showed isn’t even the freedesktop member responsible for the decision

      6 months ago

      US and NATO are also very pro-LGBTQ, does that mean we need to side with them against African and SEA countries who don’t have a good LGBTQ track record? They use trans people as a tool to gain control, they support trans people as long as they are useful to them. Liberals want to control everyone’s thoughts and they think they can do that by removing words and policing speech. Liberals do not have allies, all they care about is that liberalism is the dominant ideology. They wouldn’t take kindly to support of China, lack of support of Biden, or whatever issue they use to spread their influence. Saying China is not committing genocide against Uyghurs is “genocide denial”, too.

      enforcing basic code of conduct rules

      That they wrote themselves and want to apply everywhere. Obviously I’m not for insulting people because of sexual preferences, ethnicity, etc. but we don’t need liberals with a “Code of Conduct” to “protect” people. If a person doesn’t like a community, they don’t have to join it. Hyprland isn’t the only window manager, there are others, it’s not like it is an essential part of Linux everyone must use.

      I much rather have Nazis out in the open than hiding. I much rather be able to see the community for what it is, so I can make an educated decision on whether I want to be a part of it or not.

      In my experience as an immigrant in Western Europe I found that people (liberals, progressives) in these countries will never use racial slurs, they’ll go through the motions of being “inclusive” and will never outright say something racist against other ethnicities, but they are in fact racist as fuck. I feel stupid for falling for it, I believed that inclusive language = actual inclusivity. But it doesn’t. Enforcing a Code of Conduct in the Hyprland community is not going to make that community inclusive of trans people, what it will do is make trans people believe the community is inclusive, so once they join maybe they’ll be made fun of in private or their information stored and shared through private channels. That’s putting people at risk, making them join communities that appear safe.

      The creator of Hyprland obviously isn’t bothered by having these alt-right/Nazi types in the community and hasn’t been willing to remove them. These liberals certainly won’t make him change his mind, what they’ll do is make the anti-LGBTQ crowd even more anti-LGBTQ, and I think that’s the real goal. The more vocal the anti-LGBTQ people are the more power the liberals say they need – and receive. Because if they don’t, then they just turn around and say that Red Hat and all these other projects are anti-LGBTQ too because they refuse to give liberals the tools they say they need.

      @whoami That’s why I say they’re the sides of the same culture war coin. Because they need each other to exist.

        6 months ago

        I read your whole comment, but to be honest, I’m not really sure where to begin with this, because it doesn’t seem like you actually understand the situation and are making weird assumptions based on that misunderstanding

        Hyprland isn’t the only window manager, there are others, it’s not like it is an essential part of Linux everyone must use.

        I am really hoping you simply haven’t read into the context of this, because in case you’re not aware, this is not about hyprland the software at all or people contributing to it, this is about its main developer contributing to projects such as wlroots (a Wayland compositor framework used by multiple projects including hyprland)

        enforcing basic code of conduct rules

        That they wrote themselves and want to apply everywhere. Obviously I’m not for insulting people because of sexual preferences, ethnicity, etc. but we don’t need liberals with a “Code of Conduct” to “protect” people. If a person doesn’t like a community, they don’t have to join it.

        As I mentioned, this isn’t about other people joining hyprland, it’s about, one of the most important organizations in the Linux ecosystem because it’s responsible for many foundational components. Codes of Conduct (along with enforcement of those) are an essential safety tool in these kinds of community, as you simply can’t tolerate Nazis and their ilk in a community like this without them forcing out all of the people who would be targeted by someone like that, who do exist in this community (the person enforcing the CoC in this instance being one of them)

        The creator of Hyprland obviously isn’t bothered by having these alt-right/Nazi types in the community and hasn’t been willing to remove them. These liberals certainly won’t make him change his mind …

        This doesn’t matter, because it’s not about hyprland, that guy can fuck off to his Nazi cave as far as I’m concerned, we aren’t trying to change hyprland. This is about this person trying to make himself at home in an organization full of the kind of people he targets, who will be under attack if someone like him is allowed this leeway. Those people are already part of this community and need to be kept safe, would you rather they be forced out?

        US and NATO are also very pro-LGBTQ, does that mean we need to side with them against African and SEA countries who don’t have a good LGBTQ track record?

        To be honest, I find this to be an extremely bad faith interpretation of my comment, and makes it sound like you didn’t even read what I wrote. Again, this is not about liberals using the aesthetics of “queer rights” to manufacture consent to attack the global south, this is a community full of queer people banning an outright Nazi because he is a threat to them. This isn’t about creating the image that the community is supposedly safe for queer people when it’s not, it’s about ensuring the safety of the queer people who are already here and contributing in major ways.

        I have to be clear here, your comment is not some principled stand against imperialism, it is very close to being a defense for outright Nazis just because the people they’re targeting for being vulnerable minorities happen to be liberals (you know, like most people in the west), and I really hope that this is just because you have some kind of misunderstanding of what’s actually going on in this situation.

        6 months ago

        Calling the US very pro LGBTQ while many states are banning gender affirming care is laughable.

            6 months ago

            Not sure that’s really relevant, the US government could very well deal with situations like this if they wanted to, it’s just that they don’t want to because they are not pro LGBTQ as a whole

            It’s very important to point this out too, because the idea that global south countries should be attacked for being queerphobic doesn’t actually exist because the US supports queer people, it’s just using pinkwashing as another way manufacture consent for imperialism among another demographic, people who pinkwash things like this are not actually supporting queer rights themselves when they do so (many people and organizations who do so are in fact actively queerphobic)

          6 months ago

          That’s my point! The US loves to hang the rainbow LGBTQ flag in its embassies, like the one in Russia. That’s why I said they use the issue as a tool to advance imperialism, much like the liberals use the Code of Conduct to extend control.