Saudi Arabia’s wildly ambitious plan to build 500m tall, mirrored, 170km long parallel skyscrapers, forming a 1.5M population desert city has been curtailed to 2.4km long.

The news was broken by the financial news publication Bloomberg, which said that Saudi Arabia’s government had “scaled back its medium-term ambitions” for Neom, of which The Line is the most significant sub-project.

The Saudi government had hoped to have 1.5M residents living in The Line by 2030, but this has been scaled back to fewer than 300,000, according to the report. It is unclear how it intends to house a higher concentration of people considering the proposed length (and therefore area) has been massively slashed.

  • Flying
    6 months ago

    Well I’m sorry you feel that you see through my pointing out that they kept saying things that weren’t true in response to me, but I’m going to point it out and not just accept it as if it actually is true.

    I also don’t see why I should accept the accusation that I invest in fossil fuels. Would you accept that if it was leveled at you as if it were the truth (and I hope it isn’t)?