Unfriendly URL problem
Here are some common URL (Uniform Resource Locator) related problems and how to fix them:
The URL is not user-friendly:
The problem: Long, complex, or unstructured URLs can be difficult for users to read and remember.
Solution: Create user-friendly URLs using relevant keywords and create an easy-to-read structure. Example: example.com/guide/seo-best-practices.
URLs that don’t optimize for keywords:
Problem: The URL doesn’t contain important keywords or isn’t optimized for SEO.
Solution: Use the main keyword or its variation in the path part of the URL to optimize for the keyword.
URL containing special characters and encoding:
Problem: Using special characters or encodings in URLs can be confusing and difficult to read.
Solution: Use common characters in English, avoid using special characters and encoding. URLs should be easy to read and intuitive.
URLs that do not correlate with page content:
Problem: The URL does not accurately reflect the content of the page or is not relevant to the topic.
Solution: Create a URL that reflects the content of the page. Ensure that users and search engines can immediately understand from the URL what the main content of the page is.
Non-unique URLs:
Problem: Using duplicate or similar URLs can create a problem of duplicate content in the eyes of search engines.
Solution: Make sure that each page has a unique URL and is not duplicated with any other pages.
URLs that don’t optimize for site structure:
Problem: The URL doesn’t reflect the site structure, making it difficult to navigate and find information.
Solution: Build URL structure based on site structure. Use appropriate directories and segments to represent relationships between pages.