• masquenox@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      it embraces Sharia law

      LOL! That’s the (supposed) lie?

      criticizes US for not embracing sharia law.

      Heaven’s to Betsy! Are you saying a Muslim person somewhere on this planet sees the world through an Islamic lens?!

      Say it isn’t so!

      Also it accuses Jews of controlling the USA’s policies and economy.

      Oh, finally - sure took you long enough, didn’t it?

      Now that you’ve managed one… can you spot one that actually backs up your initial claims?

        • masquenox@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          being anti-semitic

          Zionism is antisemitic - yet I don’t see that making a dent in your propaganda peddling, hasbara.

          disagreement with supporting Israel

          All anti-colonialists have the right to attack white supremacist settler-colonialist states, genius. 7 Oct was not a “terrorist” attack, and neither was 9/11. If you insist on being a colonizer, all the (supposedly) “civilian” infrastructure supporting said colonization becomes a perfectly valid target.

          It doesn’t matter that some anti-colonialists aren’t the nicest of people.