We know that we behave and think differently. We generally have more difficulty with social situation and are hypersensitive to sensory input. But to me, these seem like impacts of a fundamental difference. For example, we have social difficulties in NT environments because something with our neurotype is different. What is that fundamental difference that manifests into the symptoms of autism?

So far, my best guess is that we don’t have the filter that NTs have with sensory input. They can decide what sensory information to focus on, allowing them to process information they see as important in real time. Additionally, they seem to be better able to multitask. For us, since we don’t have that filter and multi-core processor, it takes us longer to process sensory input.

The other thing is that since we are more sensitive to sensory stimuli, we can get overwhelmed much easier, which limits our ability to process the info.

These two together make it so that social situations are difficult to navigate. There’s wayy to much information to process in real time for us, so we end up missing a lot of the communication that is going on. For example, a person will send a nonverbal cue of some sort, but since we’re still focused on what they said and processing all the other surrounding stimuli, we miss it. Maybe much later, when alone and reviewing the interaction or discussing it with a friend, we might finally get to the nonverbal cue and realize we missed it.

What do you guys think? Am I on track? Are there other fundamental differences between neurotypes?

  • Paragone@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Part 2…

    1. bullying.

    Bullying ( of us, for not being “normal enough” ) multiplies our stress, which damages our brain-development, which damages our ability to function, and it damages our ability to adapt to our damaged-brains…

    It’s a lose-lose-lose configuration, from our side.

    However, bullying of the damaged/weak is much easier than bullying the competent/capable, right?

    So, it’ll continue on us, because it’s “normal”.


    What would enable us, instead, is that when a person’s seen to be too undermethylated, they get & read that book by William J. Walsh, and do the experiment, themselves, to discover if the evidence gibves them leverage to alter their life-course, and if it does, use that leverage in the way which serves their own life, regardless of any “ideology”.

    1. vaccines?

    You will note that even the medical-science literature has admitted that there seems to be some overlap between autism & schizophrenia…

    William J. Walsh identified that “schizophrenia”, in 90% of cases, was either overmethylated-DNA disorder ( the hallucination-type “schizophrenia” ), undermethylated-DNA disorder ( the symbol-fixation/belief-fixation/conspiracism/distorted-belief type “schizophrenia” ), or pyrrol-disorder ( the PTSD-style flash-RAGES, of amygdala-hyjack )…

    Notice that autism is always undermethylated-DNA disorder, & 1 of the 3 kinds of “schizophrenia” is undermethylated-DNA disorder…

    Notice that research ( in the last decade ) discovered that autistics have oversized amygdala…

    Notice that the pyrrol-disorder is amygdala-hijack disorder, where the balance between the amygdala & the cortex is suddenly slammed to amygdala/panic-rage…

    See how they’re related?

    Now for the kicker:

    It’s been known for decades that “schizophrenia” seems to strike a life when a viral infection gets the subject…


    What happens when you have a too-fine-balance brain, already-damaged, that you’re holding-together-with-sheer-will, alone, and brain-inflammation hits it?

    “the straw that broke the camel’s back”, is what.

    Does it matter if the brain-inflammation was caused by a virus, or if it was caused by a stacked-vaccine?

    How could it?

    It isn’t the trigger of the brain-inflammation that is breaking the child’s ability to hold-together, it is the brain-inflammation, itself that is!

    So, for those who are already at the brink of breaking, then ANY brain-inflammation, whether caused by live-wild-virus, or by stacked-vaccine, or by concussion, for that matter, would all likely have a “breakdown” … then.,

    The difference in our brains, though, is seeded before-birth.

    A perfectly-reliable method for producing “schizophrenia” in a population?

    block their mom’s exposure to sunshine for the entire last-trimester.

    Normally, that means having the last-trimester of pregnancy in winter ( because mom’s then all bundled-up, not getting her sunshine vitamin-D ).

    But there was a year in Spain, when overcast blocked sunshine for 3 months, & the babies born at the end of that 3-months had a higher schizophrenia rate.


    The undermethylated-DNA disorder subset who is “autistic” is a subset of undermethylated-DNA disorder lives.

    The undermethylated-DNA disorder subset who is “schizophrenic” is a subset of undermethylated-DNA disorder lives.

    Correct the actual problem, not the mere-symptoms, and lives would do much better.

    Concentrate on correcting the undermethylated-DNA disorder, to the degree that is right for the autistic-in-question, & see the life begin healing more.


    ( I’ve replicated his pyrrol-disorder treatment, too, and he mis-explains that one, as well:

    you need a mixture of zincs: zinc gluconate & zinc picolinate are both good & safe, so alternate 'em.

    Avoid zinc citrate, as it hits soooo fast, that you go into a roller-coaster that makes your inability to manage the PTSD-RAGEs dangerous, if you’ve also got all the other treatment-components in you, sufficiently…

    The root problem is that people with pyrrol-disorder are wrongly eradicating zinc from our bodies, some wierd biochem error, and instead storing waaay too much copper in our bodies.

    There is an opposite condition which does it the other way around, and gets people in prison, so don’t think that zinc is “inherently” good, or copper “inherently” bad, either…

    Arachidonic-acid precursor is required, I was using between 500mg & 1g of evening primrose oil per day ( alternating days, to average 750mg ),

    and so is P5P form of one of the vitamin-B’s.

    It’s sooo striking, you can even use the treatment as a clear-as-day diagnosis:

    give someone with the specific anger-instability the evg primrose oil supplement & the P5P every day, then after a few days put 'em in a rubber room & give 'em zinc citrate:

    IF they’ve pyrrol-disorder, they’ll be punching walls, probably from half-an-hour after getting the zinc citrate to a few hours later, on some chaotic sine-waves of ANGER.

    You simply can’t ask for a more-objective evidence of “does this person have this condition” than that.

    This is brilliantly-clean evidence-based medicine.

    Not tolerated by doctors, of course, because no medical-authority, only evidence & correct-reason, is backing it.

    That will never change: dad was a doctor, their ideology/prejudice is indellible.

    No matter how many of our lives are destroyed, they won’t tolerate that truth was spoken outside their authority. )

    Everything I give here I’ve tested to be true, except for my scientifically-testable-prediction, which, being a prediction, requires to be tested to discover if it’s true, as theory/logic+evidence says it is.

    Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen.

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