• PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    After all these months, I really think your account is designed to create division and not actually promote a decent cause. Honestly. You are hurting your cause more than helping it

    We’ve seen how much weight the pro-gun community gives your opinions so who cares if you’re convinced? Besides, gun owners have been politely pandered to for 20 years and it’s done nothing but dig us a deeper hole.

    Look at your last comment as an example. You default to name calling and broad stereotypes instead of making valid points that might convince me of something. TBH, it’s more in the style of a Russian troll rather than someone who is sane and simply pissed off.

    I am deeply offended at how you have generalized Russian trolls. You should be ashamed of yourself for talking about them as a group without knowing the argument style of each and every one of them first. Until you’ve accomplished that impossible task, I’m just going to dismiss everything you say using this deeply manipulative out.

    Even most hardcore, redneck gun owners I know are not as vile as you can be and some of those fuckers are seriously off their rockers. I would feel safer around them rather than you, actually. That’s not to be taken as an insult.

    Love it. You’re openly admitting there’s gun owners in your life who are “seriously off their rocker” rednecks but you’re going to support them anyway because some guy on the internet hurt your feelings (and that’s more important than other people’s lives)

    We both know you were always going to support the gun owners no matter what I said, you’re just doing the “it’s your fault I’m a bad person so you should change” tactic beloved by domestic abusers the world over.

    • remotelove@lemmy.ca
      6 months ago

      You are making some wild assumptions, but whatever.

      Russian trolls follow a very distinct pattern and it’s very similar to yours, actually. Insult, insinuate and make broad general assumptions about what other people think. It’s not generalizing or stereotyping as much as it is pattern matching.

      You are basically babbling and twisting comments, so conversation is pointless. Honestly, I thought I had blocked you months ago. K bai.