(Trump lawyer Alina Habba — the one who fakes smartargued on Fox News last night that this is a denial of Trump’s “due process” rights. Needless to say, LOL no. Habba also bellyached that Trump’s lawyers won’t get Passover off, because “Observant Jews have a right to go and pray to who they want and observe Passover!” You know, whoever those Jewish people pray to. Also, the trial is off for four days of Passover, so Habba is lying.)

. . . “Forcing Trump to skip his son’s graduation is actually an act of evil. There’s simply no other word for it. It’s evil,” whined weird MAGA anal fissure Jack Posobiec, lying. “Pure evil,” hissed Trump junior, his saliva presumably collecting in his cheeks, covered in sweat. “Judge Merchan is truly heartless in not letting a father attend his son’s graduation,” said Eric, not specifying which son.

“I was looking forward to that graduation, with his mother and father there, and it looks like the judge does not allow me to escape this scam,” said Trump outside the courtroom, lying.

Every babbling pigfuck in MAGA world is screaming about this, and it simply isn’t true. Kari Lake, doing an impression of a human with a soul, tweeted, “I am heartbroken for President Trump & Barron. All the hard work our kids put into graduating, & President Trump is being robbed of getting to experience his son’s High School graduation ceremony. This corrupt judge is heartless & cruel.”

Senator Mike Lee, one of the least serious members of Congress by any metric, tweeted, “Telling Trump he can’t attend Barron’s graduation goes beyond mere jackassery. This is deliberately cruel.”

. . . MeidasTouch has a good rundown of the ticktock of the goings-on what happened in the courtoom yesterday: the tiny handful of weak and sad Laura Loomers who showed up to protest on Trump’s behalf; the beginning of jury selection; questions about what will happen to Trump when he violates his gag orders; all kinds of evidence that will and will not be allowed. (A bunch of the tapes you’d think a jury might like to hear — grab ‘em by the pussy, the E. Jean Carroll deposition, etc. — Merchan ruled too prejudicial. You know, because he’s SO UNFAIR.)

Trump apparently did not like it when he was sworn in as “MISTER Donald Trump.”

And more!

  • Boddhisatva@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    “I was looking forward to that graduation, with his mother and father there, and it looks like the judge does not allow me to escape this scam,” he said.

    Is it just me or is this some odd phrasing? Shouldn’t it be, “…with his mother and I there…” Almost sounds like he’s not the father which, to be honest, wouldn’t surprise me. Also, the judge never said he couldn’t go, so this is just one more lie from Trump.

    As reported by AP, Merchan did not say Donald Trump would not be able to attend the graduation. He commented that it was too early to make a decision.

    “It really depends on if we are on time and where we are in the trial,” Merchan said.

    AP added that if the trial proceeded as planned, Merchan would be willing to adjourn for one or both days.

    In other words, if Trump keeps his trap shut and doesn’t cause needless delays, then the judge would be willing to let him go, but what are the odds of Trump being able to do that?

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      In other words, if Trump keeps his trap shut and doesn’t cause needless delays, then the judge would be willing to let him go, but what are the odds of Trump being able to do that?

      Pretty good if he keeps falling asleep