• TheHarpyEagle@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Okay, here’s the scenario.

    I’m driving in the right lane. I come up behind a car going slower than me. I wait for the left lane to be clear without any nearby traffic that’s going faster, then I pull into the left lane to pass. As I’m passing, say, a string of three slower cars, someone comes up fast behind me and sits on my butt as I’m passing. I finish passing the string of cars and put on my signal to merge back right, waiting a few seconds to build up a bit more space between myself and the car I’m about to merge in front of so they have a safe stopping distance should they need it. Butt-sitter behind me zips into the right lane just before I merge (sometimes as I’m actively merging), goes around me, and back into the left lane. I then merge right.