“Christians today have become the most vitriolic tribe,” said Ritchson, who himself identifies as a follower of Jesus. “It is so antithetical to what Jesus was calling us to be and to do.”

  • t_berium@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    That’s just because you guys seem totally nuts, not from this world OR super evil.

    We in Europe have to decide which one it is, yet. But we can see your shit from way over here. It’s really not rocket science to see the GOP is a filthy bunch of individuals, that are out of real answers as soon as you scratch the surface.

    ‘Hurr durr, MAGA!’ - yeah, that’s all you understand, huh?

    It would be pathetic, but actually you guys are dangerous for everyone on this planet.

    • ZK686@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      You’re spending too much time on Reddit/Lemmy. That’s like me saying all Democrats are nuts because they want to take away your guns, allow all illegal immigrants to enter the country, and allow homeless people to live on the streets and take drugs. Republicans are not “totally nuts.” They just question things more, especially when it comes to financing wars. I love how Lemmy/Reddit is always okay with the US government intervening in world conflicts/politics, when THEY agree with it…