This may be a good sign going into the vote that Donald Trump sees that things are not going to go his way, forcing him to change his tune now rather than look like the government is abandoning his position.

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The original was posted on /r/ukrainianconflict by /u/Baysdarby on 2024-04-19 00:05:06.

Original Title: Donald Trump said on Thursday the survival of Ukraine is important to the United States, a shift in tone days before the Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives is due to vote on a $61 billion aid package

    3 months ago

    Mikey just met donnie @ maralago. Suddenly they both give a shit about ukraine? Balderdash, theyre both owned by putin. Theyve realized theyre gonna get fucked up in the election over this shit so they have to pretend to give a shit for a minute. The fix is already in on the fake ukraine bill. Itll be destroyed in committee and they can pretend they tried. Its a plausible deniability game. Lying liars tend to lie.