Not much info at time of posting what prompted the man to do so

    6 months ago

    Yeah. Other have posted the links as well, but if you search on the title text you quickly come across this guy’s substack and the actual manifesto.

    The sad thing is that he seems to have started off as a fairly legit investigative researcher, or was trying to become one, but fell off the rails somewhere along the line.

    I had to stop reading the manifesto when he alleged that covid was created by the government, but when he starts off with “an apocalyptic fascist world coup” is in the making, I’m not entirely certain he’s wrong: even the most broken of clocks is right twice a day. Whether by design or by accident, we are on the brink of WWIII and total environmental collapse. For him to assert a conspiracy is not nearly as crazy as many will want to insist in days to come, not least because both fascism and apocalypse are nearer now than they have even been in our lifetimes. What’s so crazy to think that some sociopaths in power looked at that and thought, hmm, we can make some coin here, and then did so?

    I’m just sorry he had enough faith in humanity left to think that his self-immolation would change a goddamn thing, or even make anyone question the road we are collectively headed down. And I mean that. To write as he did and act as he did, his world was full of suffering – and if he lives, it will be 100 times worse, and still not have accomplished what he would have wanted, or even come close. His life was, in itself, worth far more than the fiery altar he threw it upon today.