• TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Yeah I’m frequently having to open powershell/windows terminal or worse, attempt to navigate the shitshow of complexity that is the windows registry to do the most basic things.

    I don’t have to do that on my Linux machines.

    Plus since MS fired most of their QA team, there’s been the occasional crazy issue. My audio wasn’t working for months after a windows update. I did a system restore, I uninstalled and reinstalled audio drivers, but nothing worked. Then months later, suddenly it did. That just isn’t acceptable for a product that costs as much as Windows does, and continues making even more money by spying on the user and selling the information.

    I feel like because of the decline in usability of windows since 7, and the perpetual improvements to Linux, we now see Linux being the easier choice.

    If Dell/HP/others started putting Linux on most of their machines, I don’t think it’d cause issues for most people at all.