What do you hate about #oldmedia ? I personally don’t like it as I’m one of those who use @lemmy and @reddit for my news outlet. I find it to be more better and factual than old media, and I get too choose what I want to see, instead if being forced to watch whatever my country, or rather service wants me to see.

  • Carrolade@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    They have their purpose. When something is buried really well, sometimes you need the time, dedication, skills and resources of a career professional to go dig it up. You can often sniff out the bs by cross referencing them against each other.

    Like, if you read that something happened in China, and both the New York Times and the South China Morning Post are saying it, you can have a higher confidence that it’s true. Aggregators like Ground News are convenient for checking stuff like this.

  • dhork@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    It depends on what type of old media. I have been purposely avoiding TV News, particularly 24 hour news stations. I watch them on Election Day, and when some major event is happening in real time, and that’s it. I’ve come to the conclusion that there simply isn’t enough news worth hearing about to fill up 24 hours every day, so TV news has to stretch to make things seem relevant.

    On the other hand, I read a lot of what formerly was “print media” but is now web-based. If I lived in a city with a decent local dead tree newspaper, I would subscribe. To me, it takes some effort to distill the key topics of the day into words, and I find that effort is useful in filtering out some of the most sensational crap.

    (And I think its important to note that Lemmy and Reddit isn’t itself a news site, it’s a link aggregator with comments, so even when you say you “get your news” from Lemmy, what you really mean is you get links that other people post to those same sources. You are still going to the old media sources, you are just only going to what the Hive Mind deems “interesting”.)

  • wjrii@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Now, everybody’s got an agenda, but I generally find certain old media, specifically NPR and the BBC, to have a generally humane and even-handed POV. Reuters and the AP are still pretty decent for news dumps. Al Jazeera is generally no more biased than something like CNN, and puts more effort into the region with better credibility among local sources.

    As @dhork@lemmy.world said though, you’re largely getting curation from Lemmy and Reddit. The reporting is mostly coming from “old media.” I will say the comments section on either is usually be less toxic and boomery than a story’s home site.