The White House, Congressional Republicans, and cable news talking heads would have you believe that the Columbia University campus has devolved into a hotbed of antisemitic violence – but the reality on the ground is very different. As a Jewish student at Columbia, it depresses me that I have to correct the record and explain what the real risk to our safety looks like. I still can’t quite believe how the events on campus over the past few days have been so cynically and hysterically misrepresented by the media and by our elected representatives.

Smears from the press and pro-Israel influencers, who have levied charges of antisemitism and violence against Jewish students, are a dangerous distraction from real threats to our safety. I saw politicians compare student organizers to neo-Nazis and call for a National Guard deployment, apparently ignorant of the lives lost at Kent State and in Charlottesville, and with very little pushback from national media. This is a repulsive form of self-aggrandizement that I can only assume is intended to preserve relationships with influential donors. Calls to more heavily police our campus actively endanger Jewish students, and threaten the regular operations of the university far more gravely than peaceful protests.

Here’s what you’re not being told: The most pressing threats to our safety as Jewish students do not come from tents on campus. Instead, they come from the Columbia administration inviting police onto campus, certain faculty members, and third-party organizations that dox undergraduates. Frankly, I regret the fact that writing to confirm the safety of Jewish Ivy League students feels justified in the first place. I have not seen many pundits hand-wringing over the safety of my Palestinian colleagues mourning the deaths of family members, or the destruction of Gaza’s cherished universities.

    5 months ago

    This isn’t at all surprising.

    Up until December last year, the Biden Administration was in the habit of claiming that anytime the words “from the river to the sea” were used it was antisemitism so any demonstration were people chanted “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” was said by the White House to be “an antisemitic demonstration”.

    (One might notice that the sentence isn’t at all about the Jewish Religion but is instead about Israel, so this was quite an open - at least for professional politicians - use of accusations of antisemitism for things which were only about Israel, not the Jewish Religion)

    This only stopped after a White House Press Briefing ( here ) were during Press Questions the White House Spokesperson was asked by a member of the Press if the post from Netanyahu’s son with “from the river to the sea” was antisemitic, were they kinda fumbled but didn’t deny it and then suddenly discovered that they were “out of time” to evade the question.

    And this isn’t just the US - in the UK, a couple of years ago the Labour party leadership contest was lost by the New Labour faction (i.e. neoliberals) and won by an actual leftie, Jeremy Corbyn. Then followed a massive smear campaign by pretty much the whole Press (it’s as bad in the UK as the US) including an “oh so special” one were they accused Corbyn of antisemitism because in a conference he sat on a panel, and another member of that panel compared some of the actions of Israel with those of the Nazis. Now, the really juicy part of this is that said person that said those words that others deemed antisemitic (and hence Corby was deemed antisemite by association) was a Jewish Holocaust survivor - in other words, to slander the newly elected leftwing leader of the Labour party, the whole of the British Press (along with lots of Labour party figures from the neoliberal faction) accused a Jewish Holocaust survivor of being an antisemite.

    Whilst I think it’s very important and deserving of massive respect that the OP came forward with this, I’m surprised by the sentence “I still can’t quite believe how the events on campus over the past few days have been so cynically and hysterically misrepresented by the media and by our elected representatives.” - the massive abuse of accusations of antisemitism by (neo)liberal Politicians and Press has been standard in places like the US, UK and Germany for at least a decade and has been maybe one of the most evident indications that those liberals’ claimed anti-racism was political folklore and a tool, not a reflection of any equalitarian principles. Their support for the murderers in the Gazan Genocide - and how they just kept using their own very special version of what the claim is “anti-racism” as a political tool to bat away criticism of the near-Nazi Fascists committing that crime just made it ever more obvious that they’re just Racists with not a shred of Humanitarianism and who only differ from Traditional Racists by their lists of “good races” and “bad races” being different.