• TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Really getting flashbacks to 2016 when Hillary supporters refused to acknowledge reality, then got mad when reality stuck around and she lost.

    Oh that’s been persistent this entire race, and lemmy has been as guilty as any other platform. They’ll also accuse you of being a Trump proponent because you are pointing out why Biden’s policy positions are causing him to flounder in this election. But its your fault for not carrying water.

    Hillary was a terrible candidate, maybe one of the worst that could have been run in 2016. Republicans had been developing opposition research on her for decades. They knew she would be the candidate. Having someone else swoop in and snake the primary would have headfaked the Republicans so hard their ankles would have broken. Her steps to the right during her campaign, her incredibly dismissive attitude towards BLM, her ongoing relationship with banks, she was a terrible fucking candidate. This is all on top of the fact that the DNC actually did put their thumb on the scales for Hillary.

    Its just not any different with Biden. We saw all the same things and were seeing them all again now. But what lemmings need to start getting into their head, is that their apologetics for Biden as a candidate support these losing strategies. Being an apologist actually makes Biden a weaker, less likely to win candidate. What the apologists need to realize is that they aren’t a monolith in terms of voting, and their arguments don’t bring voters to Biden.

    Stop excusing him and his shitty policies, and start demanding more before its too fucking late.

    • return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
      3 months ago

      I’ve been ringing the alarm for months on here. Been called everything from Russian bot, Trumper, Chinese bot, right wing troll, commie, etc.

      They only want to put their heads in the sand and hope “but Trump” works.

        • return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
          3 months ago

          Hence the downvotes haha right on cue

          Been at this since Obama, survived the Hillary/Bernie wars, etc. Nothing new to me.

          • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            Hence the downvotes haha right on cue

            Yeah they’re scared. And they should be. But if fear is dictating your actions, you are going to fail.