It’s a slightly click-baity title, but as we’re still generating more content for our magazines, this one included, why not?

Unpopular opinions from last time include:

  • My Sci-fi unpopular opinion is that 2001: A Space Odyssey is nothing but pretentious, LSD fueled nonsense.

  • I could not get into the expanse at all.

  • My unpopular opinion is that I don’t like space operas.

What’s yours?

    5 months ago

    I don’t consider Star Wars to be sci-fi. It’s a futuristic space fantasy.

    Is that an unpopular opinion? Most sci-fi/fantasy fans I know would probably agree with this. I love Star Wars, but in the same way I love Lord of the Rings.

    Also, Star Trek Enterprise is one of the best Trek series, IMO. Top 5.

    I would say the final season of Enterprise is arguably the best single season of any Star Trek show so far. But it was a long road getting there…

    The human crew (particularly Archer and Trip) were difficult to warm to in seasons 1 and 2 - I found them so much more emotional and overdramatic than an intelligent professional human would be today, and that it made it difficult for me to accept them as the bridge from today to the 23rd/24th century Starfleet we know.

    Season 3 was tough for different reasons - maybe it played differently in America, but watching from outside the US a lot of it felt like post-9/11 revenge fantasy. Very proto-‘America First’.