I know current learning models work a little like neurons but why not just make a sim that works exactly like how we understand neurons work

  • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    That’s kinda the idea of neural network AI

    The problem is that neurons aren’t transistors, they don’t operate in base 2 arithmetic, and are basically an example of chaos theory, where a system is narrow enough for outer bounds to be defined, yet complex enough that the amount of “picture resolution” needed to be able to accurately predict how it will behave is currently beyond our scope of understanding to replicate or even theorize on.

    This is basically the realm where you’re no longer asking for math to fetch a logical answer to a question and more trying to use it as a way to perfectly calculate the future like an oracle trying to divine one’s own fate from the stars. It even comes with its own system of cool runes!

    I fully imagine we will have a precise calculation of Rayo’s Number before we have a binary computer capable of being raised as a human with a fully human intelligence and emotional depth.

    More likely I see the “singularity” coming in the form of someone who figures out how to augment human intelligence with an AI neural implant capable of the sorts of complex calculations that are impossible for a human mind to fathom while benefiting from human abilities for pattern recognition to build more accurate models.

    If someone figures out how to do this without accidentally creating a cheap 80’s slasher villain, it will immediately become the single most sought after medical device in human history, as these new augmented mind humans will instantly become a major competitive pressure for even most manual labor jobs.

    • Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
      5 months ago

      I don’t think we need exact neuron emulation to simulate human consciousness. We just need to work out the information theory behind it.

      We currently have a good idea about how neurons behave, but to simulate them properly we also need to know how they work. I’m sure we can figure that stuff out, eventually. Give it a couple of decades or centuries and we’ll know enough to properly simulate neurons, if not just for finding cures to diseases. From that point on it’s just a matter of reducing the complexity and scaling the simulation.

      We’ve figured out how to make robots walk by first making exact copies of animals and people, and then once we got that to work we reduced the whole thing down to a relatively simple machine that’s getting better by the year. I’m sure we’ll be able to apply the same pattern to neurons once we figure them out.

      Scientists are already working on simulating the complete brain of a small insect with a miniscule brain. It takes just about a supercomputer to run that thing in real-time, but it’s not finished yet.

      With the way technology is headed, I do wonder whether we’ll get a cyborg singularity before or after we manage to simulate consciousness. Either seem possible, so I think it just comes down to what kind of technology gets invented first. With Musk still paralysing monkeys in his lab, I don’t think we’re close to either option today.