Sorry for the headline. I don’t know why they don’t just say it’s Vivek Ramaswamy.

To that end, I will accept Russian control of the occupied territories and pledge to block Ukraine’s candidacy for NATO in exchange for Russia exiting its military alliance with China. I will end sanctions and bring Russia back into the world market. In this way, I will elevate Russia as a strategic check on China’s designs in East Asia.

    1 year ago

    For Musk and Twitter, especially due to the heavy foreign investment in his purchase of the company, it’s severely more likely, than just ego, that he bought out Twitter specifically to destroy it.

    Twitter was being used as a way for the common people to unite against oppressive corporate/capitalistic and government regimes. Across the world. By sharing their hardships and their fights for their rights to people who weren’t fighting or didn’t know they could.

    Western influence was disrupting Iranian culture, showing women that they could be strong and independent, to live the way they wanted to if they banded together. Seeing people unionize across the States emboldened others to unionize in their home town.

    Why do you think Facebooks competitor (what was it ‘sheets’ or ‘pages’? ‘Threads’ maybe?) decided to very specifically state that they wouldn’t have threads about politics or religion? Because those were the reasons Twitter got bought out and destroyed.