• venusaur@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    After 40 years of a happy life you find out your whole life has been some sort of twisted Truman show. After 20 years of being on the show you’ve forgotten all about the big red button you push every night before you go to sleep. It has become a habit. The big red button sits next to a green button that says “Venusaur is the best Pokemon”. Each night you must choose one and the big red button gases you and makes you forget the last 30 minutes right before you go to sleep.

    On the first day of the 41st year you get a knock on the door. It’s a woman in her 30’s wearing a tight fitting Venusaur t-shirt. She tells you it was her little brother’s and you finally find out after 40 years of a happy life that each time you press the red button you cause the brutal death of a child.

    You are devastated, run upstairs and press the green button. Venusaur appears and you disappear from a Solar Beam. The most powerful attack in the history of the franchise.