• sylvanSimian@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    This sentiment is so frustratingly purposefully helpless.

    “We can’t put Trump in jail! That’s what he and his followers want! When he gets out of jail, he will be able to go back to doing the things he is currently doing! People will even give him more money! Our entire judicial system is too frail and weak to have any possible thing they can do besides fine him ineffectually and give him more warnings! I’ve never heard of community service being assigned anyone before! I even like to pretend that probation and house arrest aren’t real! We just can’t do anything ever or he wins!”

    • themeatbridge@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      I get that it’s much easier to argue with things you’ve imagined, but I didn’t say we can’t, or shouldn’t put him in jail. He should already be in jail. And he should stay there.

      I’m saying we should be aware of his plan and prepared for the response. We should recognize that we don’t have a functioning justice system, and that he has far too many followers to consider our country free or just. We should make the utmost haste with his trials, and ensure his punishment is swift and proportionate to his crimes. If we do that, he’ll never see the light of day again, and we will all be able to focus on different threats to democracy.

      • sylvanSimian@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        There isn’t an argument. It’s just a statement that I think you sound purposefully pathetic and that’s an annoying sentiment to see online.

        Ah yes, thank you for reminding us to be aware of Trump. If only we as a nation could just reach sufficient awareness of Trump

        • themeatbridge@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          If it’s not an argument, why are you arguing? And why do you feel the need to misrepresent what I said?

          Forgive me if I don’t trust that there’s a plan to counter what Trump wants, because failure to anticipate what Trump was going to do is exactly how he won in 2016.