• Passerby6497@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    “Reeeeeeee people don’t like my lame anti-Biden posting reeeeeeeeeeeeee”

    It wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t always such lame criticism or some nobody’s opinion like we should give a fuck what Ja says.

  • Etterra@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Centrists? You mean Republicrats? AKA Democrats who are just like how Republicans used to be? I guess the pendulum is swinging the other way again.

  • njm1314@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Maybe if these supposed leftists would stop screaming about how they’re okay with fascism taking over for a while because we need a cleanse. Can’t believe how many times I’ve seen that sentiment on Lemmy alone.

  • daltotron@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Yessssss, finally meme I agree with, and therefore am required to like. Our funy memes, their horrible propagandist image macros, our nuanced conversationalism, their lunatic screaming, etc.

    I dunno guys I think I’m just like an exhausted contrarian maybe. Can I get like, can I get a lemmy where every post is just a link to an interesting blog post, or something? Do I have to construct that lemmy myself, only to watch it totally fail because nobody reads blog posts in the year of our lord 20XX?

  • disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    When they can’t find anything good to say about their own party, attacking the opposition is the entirety of their argument.

      • within_epsilon@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        I must be a collaborator. Democrats campaigned in 2020 to shut down camps at the border, reasonably support the conclusion of the pandemic, fund infrastructure and restore state/union support. When did “stop the fascist” become a political platform? Why are Democrats not complicit in mass murder?

        • Plastic_Ramses@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          Well, they did a lot of that.

          Biden got the railworkers the things they wanted in the strike without a strike.

          Biden has cleared billions of dollars for rail support.

          He was also the first president in the history of the United States to walk a picket line.

          As far as the camps are concerned, it would require congress to end them as the camps are powered by a law that was passed underneath GWB.

          Its not bidens fault some of you are unable to read.

          • umbrella@lemmy.ml
            5 months ago

            biden stopped the railworkers strikes forcibly and gave them bare minimum, still bad protections.

            that strike had the potential to kick off the next workers rights movement and actually making you on par with the rest of the developed world.

            he would have done better being quiet, he is a right wing status quo machine when the status quo is really really fucked up.

            • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
              5 months ago

              Biden fired the guy who used to run the NLRB, and put in a bunch of actually pro-labor people, who gave lots of material support to all this union activity that coincidentally has been meeting with all sorts of success over the last couple of years.

              I’m not trying to downplay the hard work that unions have been putting in that have been getting them significant gains in the last few years. But Biden’s NLRB has been right there with them negotiating with the companies and giving them legal support which is absolutely crucial.

              my third world country can still do better so far.

              Wait – you’re not from the US, and deeply concerned with the US election and wanting to weigh in on who needs to win it?

              I know when I have some spare time, I like to go involve myself in British elections, or Japanese; I talk on message boards to people from those countries and have all sorts of things to tell them about how they should vote. It’s just something I like to do.

              • umbrella@lemmy.ml
                5 months ago

                so he basically coopted the movement with his own appointed people, with bipartisan support. the actual result of it is zero paid time off for sick workers, one of their main concern when striking. they are still working grueling hours, and have to be on call for even more grueling hours. IIRC biden even outlawed further strikes under threat of violence (!!!). the one good thing he did was increase their bad salaries for… slightly less bad salaries, no free time and no further right to demand anything else?

                thats a lot of shifting money and people around so they can pretty much end the strike without caving to most of the worker’s demands, and keep the status quo. that is the main thing when leftists complain about elected “left” wing representatives being all talk while still keeping workers in a bad situation.

                the threat to the shareholders’ pockets alone was enough to get them on their feet and respond immediatly, this could have been the birth of another worker’s rights movement, but it was a big nothingburger instead.

                about the ad hominem, let me give you the tip of the iceberg: our conservative politicians literally went to the us recently, to basically ask your politicians for brutal sanctions on our country, the same people who tried to copycat trump’s jan 6 so yeah, i have all the reason to be concerned given your long history messing with our democracies in the region. thanks for the condescention though, but i bet a lot of you have many concerns about ukranian and russian politics now.

                • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
                  5 months ago

                  so he basically coopted the movement

                  Absolutely false.

                  Unions in the US have the same leaders they always did. Now, though, they have an NLRB who will fight legal battles on their behalf. Here’s a general overview.

                  How on earth is that a bad thing? You’re saying the NLRB was “coopted” by the federal government? I’m having trouble even understanding what you’re saying happened, here.

                  i have all the reason to be concerned given your long history messing with our democracies in the region

                  Yeah, this part makes sense to me (and in particular as a reason to be suspicious of any US politician, Biden included). That said, given Trump’s unusual-even-compared-with-the-American-standard support for overt dictators the world over, including Bolsonaro, you should definitely want Trump not to win power again, right?

          • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
            5 months ago

            He also funded infrastructure just a little bit - there was some sort of bill concerned with it that happened

            • Plastic_Ramses@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              I swear, the “progressives” on lemmy are basically brain dead.

              Granted, they aren’t actually progressive, but thats beside the point.

          • PugJesus@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            Its not bidens fault some of you are unable to read.

            Biden has become the Obama of the terminally online. Anything bad happens? THANKS BIDEN

    • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
      5 months ago


      Biden tried to forgive half a trillion dollars in student debt, took the biggest action on climate change in history which is estimated to reduce emissions by 40% by 2030 if Trump doesn’t undo it, strengthened the NLRB which has been giving legal backing to a lot of these union wins, grew wages at the bottom end of the pay scale even in the face of historic inflation, and a few other things.

      It is also relevant that he doesn’t want to end democracy in the Unites States, “finish the job” in Gaza, or fire on protestors with live ammunition, like Trump does. But if for some reason you’ve decided it’s not allowed to make the decision on those bases (and I don’t know why it wouldn’t), there are also good things to say about Biden.

      Oh, I mean, my bad. Rail strike worst president ever both sides amirite

      • disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        Thank you so much for proving my point. Everyone, give mozz a big round of applause!

        Rather than attacking Biden, try advocating for Trump. He was in office just as long. Here. I’ll show you what that looks like:

        Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, revoked the Keystone Pipeline permit, created a 13 million acre federal petroleum reserve for Alaskan wildlife, greatly increased oil site lease cost, signed $7B in solar subsidies, enacted the Inflation Reduction act to support clean energy, created the CHIPS Act to improve reliance on domestic technology, reenacted Net Neutrality, repealed Title 42, ended the Muslim Ban, signed the Equality Act for LGBTQ+ rights, restored gay rights to beneficiaries, reenacted trans care anti-discrimination law, signed the Respect for Marriage Act, enabled unspecified gender on US Passports, rejoined WHO, rescheduled marijuana, reducing drug costs with the American Rescue Plan Act…

        I’d keep going, but it’s getting late, and that took some time to verify and type. If you’d like, we can pick this up tomorrow. I’m very much looking forward to seeing your list of Trump’s accomplishments.

        • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
          5 months ago

          Wait, I am confused. Are we arguing? I thought Biden was doing great up until Netanyahu started killing Gazans by the thousands. He’s been doing weird little half-hearted things like holding up the weapons shipments, but hauling Netanyahu to the ICC would have been a better idea.

          But yes, in general, Biden’s a huge improvement over the norm in a bunch of ways that for some reason aren’t talked about real often, and Trump is the end of the world (for the Palestinians and other Arabs and Hispanics and a whole bunch of other minorities foreign and domestic, in addition to everyone else). I feel like we’re on the same page on that, and I didn’t realize when I read your first message.

          • disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            My initial comment was stating that there’s no “pro-Trump” argument, only “anti-Biden” arguments. So, yeah, it kinda read that way to me. I’m sorry if I misunderstood your intention through context. I’m pretty tired. I’ll edit for clarity.

            • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
              5 months ago

              Ha, all good. I got it backwards; I thought you were saying the opposite. But yeah, makes sense.

              Maybe I am just excited to argue with some internet “leftists” who for some reason have their leftism mostly restricted to activism about not voting for Biden, and nothing else. There are a lot of them here in general, but maybe they are absent currently in this thread, because they’re afraid we will gang up on them

              • disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
                5 months ago

                Agreed. It’s selfish and arrogant to know Trump will facilitate the killing of more innocent civilians and still abstain from voting on principle. Biden is literally the lesser of two evils in regards to Israel. Hopefully the UN and State Department find enough proof to give Biden a firm platform for withdrawal of support soon. It’ll save lives, and we won’t have to think about the despicable trolley car from now until November.

                I was the one who had it backwards. Thanks for being understanding of my confusion.

      • umbrella@lemmy.ml
        5 months ago

        It is also relevant that he doesn’t want to end democracy in the Unites States, “finish the job” in Gaza, or fire on protestors with live ammunition.

        yet, he does. i judge politicians by actions, not words.

        Rail strike worst president ever both sides amirite

        unironically this. he used police force to coopt what could have been the first worker win in decades for less than bare minimum rights. he did stop rich people from losing money from it.

        • disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          I didn’t realize that the police departments reported directly to the President. Do you have a source on that?

            • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
              5 months ago

              I’m not OP, but Trump attempted more than once to have the National Guard shoot protesters with live ammunition.

              There are enough guardrails in place that it didn’t work, but part of what I expect this time around would be the Florida State Guard and similar Neo-brownshirts coming into their own so that he would literally be able to do it.

              Also, he had CBP showing up to protests and snatching people without identifying themselves or utilizing the existing jail / police / court infrastructure. It actually took a little time for people to even figure out who were these unidentified big quasi-police grabbing protestors and driving away with them, or where they had taken them.

              Biden is, as far as I know, not personally involved in violence against protesters today. Trump was personally involved in violence against BLM protesters, and wanted to increase its severity to lethal force levels.

              • disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
                5 months ago

                Yes. The President can direct the National Guard, not the state or local police that have been shutting down protests. Their oversight begins with the Mayor, and stops at the Governor. The President must formally declare a National Emergency to have police oversight. If you want to complain about the police, blame the Mayor. If the National Guard shuts down a protest, blame Biden.

            • disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              He can’t. They were simply referring to Trump’s response to the peaceful protest of the killing of George Floyd. “Can’t you just shoot them, just shoot them in the legs or something?” It’s not within his power, although it does clearly illuminate his opinion of protesters.

              If the President takes direct oversight of local law enforcement, we have much larger problems on our hands. That’s exactly how Benito Mussolini took fascist control of his nation.


              • umbrella@lemmy.ml
                5 months ago

                If the President takes direct oversight of local law enforcement, we have much larger problems on our hands.

                why cant biden do this then?

  • OldWoodFrame@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    (Shitting on leftists probably helps Democrats if it entices Centrists to vote for Democrats. Worst thing Leftists do to the cause is not vote, worst thing Centrists do is actively vote for Republicans)

    • retrospectology@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      What “centrists”? Is your head in some portal to another dimension?

      If someone actually entertains casting a vote for the GOP they’re not a centrist, they’re a card carrying fascist.

        • retrospectology@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          Yeah, definitely worked for Clinton.

          But don’t forget, if Biden loses it will somehow be the fault of “leftists”, not the “centrists” who failed to show up for Biden.

          • OldWoodFrame@lemm.ee
            5 months ago

            It did work for (Bill) Clinton, twice. And Hillary got more votes than her opponent it’s not like she got trounced.

  • cygon@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Perhaps it’s just my subjective experience, but to me it looks pretty much other way around.

    Visiting Lemmy from lemmy.world, liberal-bashing seems a bit like a folk sport for leftists in most threads that touch current world politics.

    • Cowbee [he/him]@lemmy.ml
      5 months ago

      This is posted from Lemmy.world’s political meme community, within the context of Lemmy.world, liberalism is the status quo. Within the context of broader Lemmy, leftism is the status quo, so bashing liberalism is more common on those threads.

      • cygon@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        Not seeing it, sorry.

        1. It’s pretty normal that main stream reporting looks critically at fringe groups. That can be frustrating, but it’s not an attack. Also consider that any time MSM publish anything that could outrage the political fringes, it is cherry picked and makes its run through the fringe communities.
        2. To consider that as liberals attacking the left, I’d have to put on a tin foil hat and buy into the far-right conspiracy theory of “liberal bias in media” or even assume the main stream media and liberals are synonymous.
        3. And if I was taking “MSM” literally, the most-watched news medium in the US happens to be Fox News, which essentially put the idea of blaming and vilifying liberals for all the ills in the world on the map.
  • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    I will never vote for Biden again and if you’re reading this, you don’t have to either.

    I’m planning on voting psl this year. If you don’t want to vote for Biden but still want to vote, consider the party for socialism and liberation.

    • YeetPics@mander.xyz
      5 months ago

      Cool! Thanks for sharing your unique, special opinion/plan. We hadn’t heard this 10000x yet.

      • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
        5 months ago

        The authoritarians are already in power. Student antiwar demonstrations are being crushed by the police, border detentions are up, labor demonstrations have been crushed just a few short years ago and there is an active campaign to control media sources.

        • IzzyScissor@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          So your response is to roll over and give them ULTIMATE power?

          These are reasons to protest, fight, and get engaged in local politics, not to fucking give in to the fascists.

          • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
            5 months ago

            I didn’t say roll over and give power to the fascist state. I said that we already have authoritarians in power. we do.

            I agree especially with that last part. that’s why i never, not even once suggested giving in to fascists.

            • IzzyScissor@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              That’s where I disagree- Voting third party or not voting at all enables fascists. Period. There is no ethical option in a single-vote system. There is only harm reduction.

              Is that an extreme view? Yes. Is it wrong? Not when the Republican leader says he’ll be a dictator on day one. Our only option is to first make sure we don’t fall under a fascist dictator and THEN continue to fight. It’s not a problem that will be solved by voting, but voting HAS to be the first step.

              • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
                5 months ago

                How does voting third party (the only thing I’ve advocated with regard to voting)enable fascists?

                I mean, we have the fascist sending 2000lb gbu jdams to aid a genocide and advocating crushing anti war opposition domestically or the fascist who everybody says will be worse. How does not picking a fascist aid the fascists? Should we strategically harm reduce by choosing regular Hitler over hypothetical 1000% ssj3 Hitler?

                At what point does even our electoral action aim for what we want as opposed to what they want? Is there such a point?

                • ASeriesOfPoorChoices@lemmy.world
                  5 months ago

                  step 1: vote dems

                  step 2: in any and every opportunity, vote for and promote preferential / ranked voting until it becomes enacted.

                  once step 2 is complete, and not before:

                  step 3: vote for greens as #1, and dems as #2.

                  step 4: is still profit, after all: murica.

                • daltotron@lemmy.world
                  5 months ago

                  hypothetical 1000% ssj3 Hitler?

                  I mean let’s not be so hyperbolic here, he obviously doesn’t have the hair for that

                • IzzyScissor@lemmy.world
                  5 months ago

                  Here is a good video that explains how mathematically, over time, if you give people only one vote, their options will become whittled down to two major parties who don’t represent anyone. It’s just what happens if you only have one vote per person. In these scenarios, third parties are destined to fail. That’s not hyperbole or exaggeration, it’s literally just how the math works. Ranked choice, or allowing multiple votes per person is one of the only ways to actually have representative representatives.

                  Should we strategically harm reduce by choosing regular Hitler over hypothetical 1000% ssj3 Hitler?


                  With ‘regular Hitler’, you still have a vote, and you still have a CHANCE to change to government. If you vote for ‘1000$ ssj3 Hitler’, you’re not only guaranteeing that you won’t have another vote, no say in changing the government, but you’re ALSO signing the death warrants for queer people, immigrants, and people of other religions. Trump wants to KILL POLITICAL RIVALS. He’s trying to ban objective reporting. He’s praising Hannibal Lecter! Yes, it’s a fucking awful situation to be in, but we also don’t have an alternative.

                  At what point does even our electoral action aim for what we want as opposed to what they want?

                  Like I said before, voting is the FIRST STEP. We do need a major overhaul of the election process, but that starts with states like Maine going for Ranked Choice voting. You have to start local and build your way up, this isn’t a problem that will be solved overnight with a single vote. It will START with a single vote, and once we actually get people who represent us in government, we’ll see actual progress.

              • daltotron@lemmy.world
                5 months ago

                Is that an extreme view? Yes. Is it wrong?

                Also yes.

                I swear to god, it’s like strategic voting doesn’t exist at all.

                If you live in a deep blue or red state who’s basically guaranteed not to flip, with maybe extra considerations to which states tally their votes along which lines, because, as we know, states that tally their votes earlier in the process have a much higher sway, so, the DNC winning more overwhelmingly in those states, and especially if those states are swing states, has much more of an effect overall, then a protest vote to a candidate you agree with, in those circumstances, is pretty good.

                It potentially shows the democratic party what you actually want, contests their claim of a mainstream, deep blue state, potentially in mass, and can give more legitimacy to those parties or those positions. Even better would probably be voting for a candidate like bernie, or someone internal to the DNC, in that scenario, since that’s more likely to give them a lot more media attention in the future and realistically someone like that has the best chance of winning.

                The same principles as all this apply to local elections, just at a much smaller scale, with less media attention, and potentially less information on both sides, since people generally don’t give a fuck about understanding local elections even if they’re the ones being fucking elected. Just send out money and a bunch of lawn ornament signs explaining nothing, and then expect, probably not wrongly, that everyone will just vote for whatever candidate is a part of the party that they generally agree with, even if nobody has any fucking idea what anyone really stands for. Better off even if there’s no hint of an alternative being campaigned or even on the ballot despite everyone just telling people to run for local spots as though that’s really a possibility for most.

                Instead, instead of paying attention to why votes are shifting, and how they might appeal to that voter block, the mainstream DNC strategy seems to be to just like demand that leftists have to come over to the democratic party’s side and then just accept all of their orders basically unquestioningly. To just pester them to vote more, and to vote harder, and to vote for the mainline DNC candidate, without any real conversations about how they might actually use their vote or why they might actually want to vote for their desired candidate. And of course that’s the fucking messaging, because that’s the messaging that allows them to get away with as little concessions to the left and the general population’s popular sentiments as possible. Bonus points if you’re always voting for damage prevention, too, because the urgency gives people a morally justifiable reason to just engage in relentless bullying tactics, rather than actually have a nuanced conversation about the ups and downs of a candidate and how they should use their vote, under what circumstances.

                You can’t blame people for smelling something fishy in all that, being unable to articulate why or think through for what circumstances they might want to vote in, and then just kind of feel burnt out and cynical about the whole prospect and not really want to vote. It’s not exactly a hard strategy to see through when we’ve been seeing it for the last… 25, 30, 40 years maybe? I dunno, don’t remember those elections before I was born, but they’ve been pulling this shit since bush got into office.

        • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
          5 months ago

          labor demonstrations have been crushed just a few short years ago

          Biden fired the guy who used to run the NLRB, and put in a bunch of actually pro-labor people, who gave lots of material support to all this union activity that coincidentally has been meeting with all sorts of success over the last couple of years.

          He did also break the rail strike, and then his NLRB kept working the issue after people weren’t paying attention, and got the rail workers the sick days they were asking for in the first place.

          To me, it sounds like he wanted to avoid the disruption to the economy that the rail strike would have caused (which would have caused inflation which actually was sort of his fault, in contrast to the Covid and price-gouging inflation which is currently happening which people are blaming him for even though it isn’t his fault).

          You can say, I guess, that he broke the rail strike because he hates workers, and then wasn’t paying attention when his NLRB got them the sick days after, and that he just didn’t bother to break all of the other strikes that were happening coincidentally before during and after that, including historic ones like UAW and the writer’s guild strike. Or maybe that he hates rail workers specifically but not the other kind. Or something. I don’t know.

          Or were there labor demonstrations other than the rail strike that were crushed that I missed?

          there is an active campaign to control media sources

          Can you tell me more about this?

          • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
            5 months ago

            lets just confine it to the rail strike: biden broke the rail strike. then he gave a small subset of the strikers demands to them through executive action. the result is reduced labor power and benefits that can be taken away again anytime the executive decides it’s in its interest.

            the active campaign to control media sources includes the tiktok ban. no matter your opinion on the application itself, you can’t deny that the point of the ban is to remove it from the american media landscape.

            • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
              5 months ago

              lets just confine it to the rail strike

              Let’s not. I’m pretty sure that my argument was that if you don’t confine it to the rail strike, Biden’s overall record on labor is excellent, when you include the rail strike and then all the other union things he did.

              Can I do this too? Let’s just confine it to the day he forgave six billion dollars of student loan debt. On that one day, his record was excellent. Therefore he’s great. See? Logic doesn’t work that way.

              the active campaign to control media sources includes the tiktok ban. no matter your opinion on the application itself, you can’t deny that the point of the ban is to remove it from the american media landscape.

              “Includes” the TikTok ban.

              What else does it include? Any other media sources he’s actively campaigned to control? Or does removing the one that’s overt Chinese spyware mean that he hates independent “media” in the US, and just forgot about Mastodon, Twitter, Lemmy, and all the other sources where people can get anti-US news freely? In the same way he forgot to crush all those other unions when he was being super anti-union in that one very specific way that one time?

              • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
                5 months ago

                i think the administrations response to a labor action that threatens the infrastructure of the entire nation is the best thing to examine because it shows how the administration responds to labor power that opposes its aims and threatens it.

                we could examine a bunch of other stuff, but that would largely only show how the administration behaves on its own terms. while there’s an ocean of ink that could be spilled on that topic, i didn’t bring it up because it doesn’t matter for the purposes of answering the question of weather the administration is authoritarian.

                if you wanna talk about that, youre welcome to, but i’m not gonna get embroiled in it. the administration was threatened by labor power and chose to suppress the strike then deliver a modicum of the demands through action it could control. the end result of that response is that the power of labor is reduced and labor and its supporters are compelled to align with the administration.

                it’s a response that seems like a perfect solution politically if your alignment is already democrat, but if you would rather labor have real power to exercise on its own terms then it’s pretty clearly anti-worker.

                the tiktok ban is the best example of media policy against that which is actively controlled by the united states government and power elite. For more on this topic the 1988 book Manufacturing Consent is a great start and not too out there to scare off liberals. if you want something a little bit more recent, look up stovepipeing, the intelligence apparatus’ method for creating media buy in for the iraq war.

                • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
                  5 months ago

                  i think the administrations response to a labor action that threatens the infrastructure of the entire nation is the best thing to examine because it shows how the administration responds to labor power that opposes its aims and threatens it.

                  I disagree. I think the administration’s response to a union action that threatens the infrastructure of the entire nation is probably going to be colored somewhat by their reaction to the infrastructure of the entire nation being threatened. It’s probably the least reasonable situation to take, and then extrapolate out to form the conclusion “and that’s why he just hates unions.”

                  Especially since, and I don’t know why this keeps being not notable to you, his administration kept working with the railroads after, until the workers got the sick days that were the whole thing they had decided to have the strike over.

                  the tiktok ban is the best example of media policy against that which is actively controlled by the united states government and power elite. For more on this topic the 1988 book Manufacturing Consent is a great start and not too out there to scare off liberals. if you want something a little bit more recent, look up stovepipeing, the intelligence apparatus’ method for creating media buy in for the iraq war.

                  Yes, I have read Manufacturing Consent, and I was around for the Iraq War and the general media enthusiasm for it; I had arguments with family members about it because they were believing what they read in the papers. Not that it’s relevant, but as far as I can tell stovepiping was something totally different related to that war.

                  And, none of that is recent or in any way related to what Biden’s doing about US media right now.

                  I’m gonna take this as an indication that you have no other examples of media Biden wants to ban, even ones that are a lot more explicitly hostile to him than TikTok is, and just want to get condescending to maintain a posture of being the one who’s explaining to the one who doesn’t understand what’s really going on. Good luck with that! I don’t think it’s going well, but you can keep trying.

        • Custodian1623@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          The opposing party has signaled that harassing and detaining protesters isn’t enough, they want them KILLED.

          Is that just absent in your mind?

          • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
            5 months ago

            wow it sucks that we live in a fascist state. lets organize to oppose it instead of vote for the lesser of the two fascist ruling class parties.

            • Custodian1623@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              Encouraging people not to vote for Biden is the most effective way to help Trump win. No amount of mental gymnastics changes this fact.

              • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
                5 months ago

                running any other candidate is the most effective way to prevent a trump win. there are no mental gymnastics here.

                instead of exchanging pithy remarks, why not talk about what youre worried about? do you think trump will accept being declared the loser?

                • Custodian1623@lemmy.world
                  5 months ago

                  Do you really think you’re going to get a third of America to not only rally behind a candidate that isn’t the two-party front runners, but also rally behind the same candidate?

                  I’m worried about people refusing to vote Biden because he sucks and then the outspoken, proud fascist winning and stripping rights from myself and my friends, giving Israel even more support, halting support to Ukraine, and attempting to dismantle the little democratic power we have.

            • barsquid@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              It feels easier to organize opposition if the people in the White House are just saying stupid shit about protesters instead of urging for sending in the National Guard so they can nuke Gaza without listening to the complaints.

            • IzzyScissor@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              WHY INSTEAD OF??

              You can do two things, and one of the things you suggest is EXACTLY what the fascists want. This is not an either/or. You can do both.

              • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
                5 months ago

                because your vote has meaning and value as more than either a winner and loser of political races. vote tallies determine funding, media and event access and even if that was it (it’s not!) there’s some level of dual party fascism where it would be better to spend your meaningful vote helping some third party you really believe in get an edge next time (or this time) rather than just picking which version of evil you’d rather have.

                • IzzyScissor@lemmy.world
                  5 months ago

                  get an edge next time (or this time)

                  You still seem to be under the impression that if Trump wins, there will BE a ‘next time’.

  • PugJesus@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    “Why would these mean shitlibs push back when we shit on them???”

    No clue. It must be their inherent social fascism coming out. Don’t worry - I’m sure accelerationism will totally work out this time!

    • PugJesus@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      What’s even funnier is how they think no one notices.

      It’s hard to notice when the only people they listen to are their fellow deluded terminally online ‘comrades’ who think ‘leftism’ means ‘let fascists win until the magic pendulum gives the left a win’.

    • Urist@lemmy.ml
      5 months ago

      I think you misunderstood. We just want to make capitalists and their usual fascist collaborators into victims of mass empowerment. If we can serve them their own balls, that is a bonus.

      To be clear, leftists are proles refusing to be victims of exploitation.

        • barsquid@lemmy.world
          5 months ago
          1. Vote for a candidate who will receive 0 EC delegates.
          2. Experience early 20th Century style fascist takeover except the country that will be invading its neighbors to steal resources has the largest army on the planet by a lot and a ridiculous nuclear arsenal.
          3. ???
          4. Full socialism.

          See? It is simple and easy.