Parents that are overfeeding their child with tons of food everyday are immoral and they should be put in prison for that in my opinion because a child doesn’t understand the full social ramifications of obesity. A child does not know that they could potentially die if they get a heart attack or stroke.

I believe that if an adult still choose to be obese despite knowing the potential risk that could happen as a result of their unhealthy lifestyle then I think it’s morally okay for them to continue living that lifestyle. However if an adult is obese then they should pay more taxes, pay double bus fare and pay double the price for airplane tickets as a result of their unhealthy lifestyle. Because cardiovascular is number 1 cause of death in Canada and we should never encourage people to live unhealthy lifestyles that cause cardiovascular disease.

    4 months ago

    A lot of people in this thread are discussing this like Obese and overweight are the same thing.

    A 13 year old child, around 5 tall, would need to weigh 155lbs to be considered Obese.

    I somewhat agree with the OP, it should be considered Child Abuse if you feed/enable your child enough to reach the Obese level. It’s just as bad for them mentally and physically as other types of abuse.

    I’m not saying this should immediately lead to jailtime for the parent, but if your child shows up to school and is measured in the top levels of overweight, a case should be opened with a social worker, a physician, and a nutritionist to work with the parent(s) remedy the situation. If the child continues on to reach an obese level, it should eventually lead to Jail and the removal of the child from the home. Of course there should be exceptions for medical conditions, but that’s where the Physician can properly assist.

    You can’t accidentally have a child reach 155 lbs at age 13, it takes literal years of overfeeding to put on that much weight.