President Joe Biden and his administration have been accused of being complicit in enabling a famine in Gaza by failing to sufficiently act on repeated warnings from their own experts and aid agencies.

The former officials say the US also provided diplomatic cover for Israel to create the conditions for famine by blocking international efforts to bring about a ceasefire or alleviate the crisis, making the delivery of aid almost impossible.

“This is not just turning a blind eye to the man-made starvation of an entire population, it is direct complicity,” former State Department official Josh Paul, who resigned over US support for the war, told The Independent.

            5 months ago

            Why do so many people immediately assume that criticizing Biden means support for another candidate?

              5 months ago

              Because the Right has dug in for years, chosen a target, and collectively did their best to cause as much damage as possible to everything they can. Even if it hurts them.

              That’s why people like me assume the worst. It feels the same. Aside from that, a lot of people who are criticizing Biden are clearly rabble-rousers, another large percentage won’t vote for Biden and on the same branch will vote for Trump. All of these people are loud. Thing is, those of us with good intentions do agree that Biden has made the wrong choice so far, even if this last shipment is being forced by the Republican-controlled House, so I hope you all realize this one isn’t on him at least. The Gaza situation is shit. We know. It’s just…we also understand that Trump will do worse. Yet every damned time we try and bring this up in much the same way you’re tired of feeling as if standing up in protest of the Genocide makes you a target, we also feel the same.

              Many of us also see the pattern. Of division. The sowing of seeds to split us apart. It happens every time and we keep paying for it.

              Man, I just want us to come together. Get Biden into Office and keep up the momentum and push. Stand firm as one for change. For Gaza and, for once, for ourselves. Trump will never listen. Maybe Biden won’t either. At least with him though we’ll have four years to try. All we have to do for the first time in so damn long is stand united.