• hOrni@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Can I have one to? I’m 8 years older than her, so it shouldn’t be a problem, right?

  • MSids@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    This should be a standard option at annual physicals. Skip the BP check I just want out.

  • ghost_of_faso2@lemmygrad.ml
    5 months ago

    My arguements against this are the same as my arguements against the death penalty.

    People make mistakes, even those who wish to die. Im not trusting the state with the power to kill me, even if its by assisted suicide.

    I only support this for people who are terminally ill and about to die.

    • Tak@lemmy.ml
      5 months ago

      I get where you’re going but on the other side of your fear of the state you are denied release from what could be immense suffering because the state deems it.

      Body autonomy is in my opinion a very crucial part of human rights even if the decisions is ultimately a mistake. You can’t really stop people from committing suicide, all you can do is make it less humane.

      • ghost_of_faso2@lemmygrad.ml
        5 months ago

        I get where you’re going but on the other side of your fear of the state you are denied release from what could be immense suffering because the state deems it.

        Often times its the state causing the immense suffering…

        Modern psychology really misses the mark in the sense often times its just treating the symptoms so they can get you back to work as quickly as possible.

        Im more interested in restorative justice with psychology, as well as treating the symptoms; we should be treating the causes too…

        Body autonomy is a myth, ‘biopower’ is a concept that has been utilized since the industrial age, the role of the structres of society are to keep you healthy enough to work.

        Regardless, I caveeted that yes, if you’re physically about to die and under immense suffering id support these actions. In a privatesed health system with an aging demographic though you cannot prevent abuses of power from happening with assisted suicide; family members pressuring mentally ill family members into an early suicide to remove there care burden, people doing it for inheritance, people thinking they have a uncurable mental illness when in reality the effective treatments are denied to them (I think of PTSD war sufferers denied MDMA which is proven 90%+ effective in treating PTSD who go onto kill themselves…)

        There are so many ethical concerns with this stuff that only takes a little foresight to see how bad it would be in reality.

  • Dekkia@this.doesnotcut.it
    5 months ago

    I feel like a lot of replies here have the same “every live is precious and needs to be protected at all costs”-vibe as you get with a lot of anti-abortion arguments.

    • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
      5 months ago

      You are casually ceding the “not wanting people to kill themselves” ground to the right while also allowing them to paint themselves as caring about human lives when in reality they just want to control women’s bodies and protect fetuses, not people.

      “Every life is valuable” is obviously a left-wing stance because the left are the ones who actually care about people’s lives, even when they’re disabled, downtrodden, and painted as burdens on society.

      • HumanPenguin@feddit.uk
        5 months ago

        Oh right wing def feel every life has value.

        Just less value then everybodies right not to be forced to pay for them.

        They are fairly open about the value of a states non right to force an indevidual to fund anothers life. Being more important then anything.

        That the value for all lives is based on either an indeviduals ability to self support. Or other indeviduals willingness to offer charity.

        It is forced charity usinging the states ability to use violence they consider a greater crime then there own the selfishness of a % of society not wanting to support the lives of those in need.

        • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
          5 months ago

          Exactly. If we’re talking about vibes, seeking to normalize suicide for people with disabilities gives me the same vibes as far-right eugenics stuff.

          • HumanPenguin@feddit.uk
            5 months ago

            Ill say one thing. As some one with disabilities. While i have no desire myself. Heck my life will be short anyway.

            I do feel it is a right people should have.

            It just really requires a sound mind at the time of choice. And huge effort to ensure it is not a choice the paiteint is neing forced or guilted into making.

            As I cant really come up with an effective and garenteed way to enforce those restrictions.

            Im currently happy my natiin will not allow anyform of assisted suicide. It must be entirly at partients own control. And technocally even then its a crime. But one that xamt be punished. Where as an assistant will be jailed.

            But I can hope/wish for a world where people could choose to have suffering ended without so much risk of others pushing them into it for thier ow. Reasons.

            As I say its not a choice I would make. But my own health means it could be one I mY want amd need help to make in the future.

          • Dekkia@this.doesnotcut.it
            4 months ago

            It is a political issue because people want it to be one. My comment was about the way the arguments sound, not about what political side says what.

            • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
              4 months ago

              Well, I was trying to push it in a political direction because I don’t like my beliefs being compared to anti-abortionists based on vibes and appearances. It’s necessary to engage more critically with the issue to demonstrate that any apparent similarities are just superficial.

              There is no objective division between political and non-political. This is a question about government policy on which people are divided, so to me it’s inherently a political issue.

              • Dekkia@this.doesnotcut.it
                4 months ago

                I don’t know what to tell you. It seems to me like you’re critical about assisted suicide but are pro choice when it comes to abortions.

                In my opinion those two things are different sides of the same coin. Regardless of politics.

                • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
                  4 months ago

                  I don’t believe that they are different sides of the same coin. I see very little in common between the two.

                  From my perspective, it would be like saying opposition to war or the death penalty is just like being opposed to abortion, because anti-choice people claim to value life.

  • macniel@feddit.de
    5 months ago

    Goodbye Zoraya ter Beek, and never stop fighting!

    Also the utter disrespect on social media, flooding her accounts with stupid Messages.

  • Evil_Shrubbery@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    Let people be free.
    And healthcare is for everyone. The means are healthcare in this case. And social & cultural support helps.

  • ⓝⓞ🅞🅝🅔@lemmy.ca
    5 months ago

    “People think that when you’re mentally ill, you can’t think straight, which is insulting,” she told the Guardian. “I understand the fears that some disabled people have about assisted dying, and worries about people being under pressure to die… But in the Netherlands, we’ve had this law for more than 20 years. There are really strict rules, and it’s really safe.”

    She embarked on intensive treatments, including talking therapies, medication and more than 30 sessions of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). “In therapy, I learned a lot about myself and coping mechanisms, but it didn’t fix the main issues. At the beginning of treatment, you start out hopeful. I thought I’d get better. But the longer the treatment goes on, you start losing hope.”

    After 10 years, there was “nothing left” in terms of treatment. "I’ve never hesitated about my decision. I have felt guilt – I have a partner, family, friends and I’m not blind to their pain. And I’ve felt scared. But I’m absolutely determined to go through with it.

    Honestly and genuinely, I’m glad to see all that she has put into this decision and glad the state is allowing it. Now she doesn’t need to cause further pain to others through a traumatic suicide and she can gain the peace she’s been longing for.

    Each day, so many lives are snuffed out of existence without a second thought. She given this an incredible amount of thought, time, and work.

    Rest in peace, Zoraya. 💜

    P. S. There’s thousands of live today that want to live. They don’t want to die. Perhaps we should focus on saving them rather than making someone like Zoraya feel even worse.

  • ZC3rr0r@lemmy.ca
    5 months ago

    I can’t understand why so many people are against someone dying with dignity. This is a form of harm reduction for not just the patient, but also their loved ones, and society in general.

    Nobody wants to see their loved ones suffer endlessly or needlessly, and this is also a while lot less traumatic than people committing suicide. Nobody wants the last memory of their loved ones to be the scene of their (potentially messy) suicide.

    And that’s not to mention the trauma inflicted on bystanders for some of the more public suicide methods (not to mention that jumping to your death or intentionally walking into/driving into traffic has a decent chance of physically injuring or killing said bystanders).

    If this process is undertaken with care and compassion, it’s far less likely to be traumatizing to all involved. And it prevents “spur of the moment” decisions, like many successful suicides are.

    • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
      5 months ago

      Nobody wants to see their loved ones suffer endlessly or needlessly, and this is also a whole lot less traumatic than people committing suicide.

      This is people committing suicide, though.

      • ZC3rr0r@lemmy.ca
        5 months ago

        That’s both debatable on a semantic level (is it really suicide if it’s assisted?) and not how I intended the use of the term.

        What I tried to say is that this option is less traumatic than non-assisted options for ending your existence and comes with less risk of injury to bystanders to boot.

        • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
          5 months ago

          How is it debatable? If you’re claiming it’s not suicide because it’s assisted, then by that logic it’s murder.

          It’s one thing to support the policy, it’s another thing to misrepresent what the policy is. Suicide is still suicide. Is it less disruptive to society? Absolutely. Is it a good policy? Debatably. But it is still suicide? Indisputably. Support it if you will but don’t go around saying that it’s “less traumatic than suicide” as if it isn’t a form of suicide.

            • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
              5 months ago

              There’s no such thing as “non-violent” suicide. Maybe, “less traumatic than non-assisted suicide” or “regular suicide,” or “suicide that isn’t state approved,” or any number of other phrasings so long as a spade is still called a spade.

          • ZC3rr0r@lemmy.ca
            5 months ago

            We have a great term for the realm between murder and suicide - assistance in dying.

            It bridges the gap between the definition of murder (where one party unalives the other party against their consent) and suicide (where one party unalives themselves with intent) by having the person looking to be unalived explicitly expires their intent and consent for the other party to assist them.

            I feel as if you’re trying to create a false equivalency to undermine the validity of this option.

            And as to whether this is less traumatic than suicide - you have got to be kidding or you’ve never had to deal with the reality of someone committing suicide versus someone choosing assistance in dying.

            One generally involves a lot of shock and someone finding a dead body in some state, the other is generally a peaceful affair where loved ones say their goodbyes before the person peacefully falls asleep for the last time.

            They are nowhere near the same thing for the survivors and you claiming otherwise is an insult to both. And if you can’t see the difference between these two options I’m frankly done debating this with you.

            • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
              5 months ago

              See, the difference is that I’m not looking at how clean or messy the suicide is, I’m looking at the fact that a suicide occurred. I would have much more respect for you and your position if you were willing to look it in the eye and call it what it is, instead of hiding behind these nonsense euphemisms.

              At no point did I make any claims regarding the trauma involved, except to say, “Is it less disruptive to society? Absolutely.” The exact opposite of the position you ascribed to me, in other words.

              But trauma and shock are merely side effects of suicide. Symptoms that exist to reflect the awfulness of the event. If a person kills themselves on a deserted island, no one is traumatized or shocked by it, but it is still, factually, a suicide.

              I don’t see why you’re reacting so strongly to a simple clarification in terminology. Or rather, I’m beginning to see why, but I wish I didn’t.

              • ZC3rr0r@lemmy.ca
                5 months ago

                That’s not entirely honest - you’re also trying to argue that having this option is not a good or valid option (you called “debatable”) and are trying to steer the conversation by creating a false equivalency between assistance in dying and suicide, which are not the same thing.

                I fully agree with your example - someone unaliving themselves on a deserted island committed suicide. Never said they didn’t.

                What I said, and what you’re conveniently omitting, is that suicide is an act by an individual, there is no other party to the unaliving. This is not the case in assistance in dying, and there’s very good legal reason why we consider these distinct from eachother, and from murder (to your earlier point).

                Even if we forget the traumatic angle I brought up earlier, surely you must see the difference between an act that involves one party and an act that involves two parties with express intent and consent.

                What you’re trying to do is the same as arguing masturbation and sex are the same thing because they end with the same result (orgasm).

                • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
                  5 months ago

                  That’s not entirely honest - you’re also trying to argue that having this option is not a good or valid option (you called “debatable”)

                  Saying it’s “debatable” is not the same thing as asserting it’s not a good or valid option. It just means that whether it’s good or valid hasn’t been conclusively established.

                  Assisted suicide is a form or suicide that is assisted. The thing that makes it different between it and regular suicide is that someone else is assisting. You’ve chosen the example of masturbation vs sex because it’s one of the few analogies that would work for you. Tandem skiing is skiing. Assisted murder is murder. Skydiving with an instructor is skydiving.

                  The onus is on you to present why the addition of an assistant meaningfully changes the nature of the act.

                  surely you must see the difference between an act that involves one party and an act that involves two parties with express intent and consent.

                  I see no such thing. Solo suicide involves intent, and there is no need for consent because there isn’t a second person involved. How on earth would the addition of a second person make it meaningfully different? Are you refusing to say the reason because you think it’s obvious, or because it doesn’t exist?

    • ZoopZeZoop@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      And it prevents “spur of the moment” decisions, like many successful suicides are.

      It may prevent some, but at least some of the ones experiencing acute issues will still go for the immediate option. The bureaucracy of it will add a layer that I suspect will deter some. If it takes months or years, people are just going to find their own way.

      I’m not suggesting that we just help any person right off the street. I think the government has duty of care once they are involved. I’m just saying the reality is that many will still choose not to take this alternative path.

    • olympicyes@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      You don’t want people jumping in front of a train, but what do you think would happen if this concept were fully embraced by the American for-profit insurance industry? I’m imagining taking my mom to a doctor’s appointment for an expensive treatment and finding tasteful brochures for dying with dignity helpfully placed around the office.

      • randon31415@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        You haven’t seen all the hospice brochures? You don’t even have to imagine - it’s like the P.C. version of assisted suicide for old people.

      • ZC3rr0r@lemmy.ca
        5 months ago

        I’m absolutely worried this will get taken advantage of in the US’ hellscape that is their healthcare system, but that doesn’t mean the concept is without merit.

        It’s like arguing that cars should not be available for purchase because someone might use one irresponsibility, while forgetting their utility outside of abuse.

        In a healthcare system that optimizes outcome instead of profit, having the option to allow someone to choose to end their suffering should not be considered a bad thing.

  • AutoTL;DR@lemmings.worldB
    5 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    A 29-year-old Dutch woman who has been granted her request for assisted dying on the grounds of unbearable mental suffering is expected to end her life in the coming weeks, fuelling a debate across Europe over the issue.

    Zoraya ter Beek received the final approval last week for assisted dying after a three and a half year process under a law passed in the Netherlands in 2002.

    Her case has caused controversy as assisted dying for people with psychiatric illnesses in the Netherlands remains unusual, although the numbers are increasing.

    An article about her case, published in April, was picked up by international media, prompting an outcry that caused Ter Beek huge distress.

    “I knew I couldn’t cope with the way I live now.” She had thought about taking her own life but the violent death by suicide of a schoolfriend and its impact on the girl’s family deterred her.

    “I was on a waiting list for assessment for a long time, because there are so few doctors willing to be involved in assisted dying for people with mental suffering.

    The original article contains 837 words, the summary contains 180 words. Saved 78%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • BaroqueInMind@lemmy.one
    5 months ago

    She is really pretty, and it’s sad she wants to go. However, I believe in personal agency, and if she wants to go, let her fucking go.

    • iAmTheTot@kbin.social
      5 months ago

      It is so bizarre to me that regarding an article about a woman who wants to die because of constant mental anguish, the very first thing you felt was worth saying is “she is really pretty”.

      If I’m being perfectly honest, I don’t entirely know my own point, I just had to comment on it because it stood out as do bizarre to me.

  • JokeDeity@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    I would never take that right away from someone, but I’m very sad nothing else worked for her. 29 just feels so young to have to exit, so many chances for experiences left.

  • SplashJackson@lemmy.ca
    5 months ago

    Imagine thinking your life belongs to you, and then having to get permission to end it without suffering

    • kofe@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      You’re asking someone else to take your life and expect them to do so no questions asked…?

      • Doxin@pawb.social
        5 months ago

        There are in fact many questions asked, and any doctor can refuse for any reason.

          • kofe@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            I was genuinely asking, more so of the person that’s skeptical of having to get permission. I’m glad it seems to be an ethical requirement

    • megane-kun@lemm.ee
      5 months ago

      There are other options other than this one that requires permission. The article mentions her reasons to choose this method.

      From the article:

      She had thought about taking her own life but the violent death by suicide of a schoolfriend and its impact on the girl’s family deterred her.

      Whether we agree with her or not, it’s her decision.

    • FriendBesto@lemmy.ml
      5 months ago

      Jumping off bridges is free, no?

      Clearly, this is about a more complex social issue/concern.

      • Obi@sopuli.xyz
        5 months ago

        I think it’s technically illegal in most countries (suicide I mean, not specifically the bridge variety).

  • brygphilomena@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I’ve had those depressive thoughts, I’ve fought self harm and depression. I have mostly gotten past it and during the period, I don’t think I ever saw light at the end of the tunnel.

    I’m glad she is able to get the relief she needs. I couldn’t imagine putting someone through the turmoil that I had during my lowest points. It’s sad, but it’s okay for things to be sad in life. I’m glad she is able to have frank discussions on her desires and her wellbeing. It’s going to be hard for her partner, friends, and family, but it would be so much worse and so traumatic if she didn’t have help or had to hide the desires until she took her own life regardless of the laws.

    • Mrs_deWinter@feddit.de
      5 months ago

      It’s going to be hard for her partner, friends, and family, but it would be so much worse and so traumatic if she didn’t have help or had to hide the desires until she took her own life regardless of the laws.

      I’m not sure that’s true. Losing someone to suicide is in itself quite traumatic. One relief many people have is when they wrap their head around how a self destructive impulse in the heat of an especially devastating moment could have led to it. But living with the fact that your daughter/wife/sister/friend very consciously decided she would rather be dead than to share in this life with you - that’s tough. It’s not unusual with relatives of suicide victims to struggle with feelings of intense anger towards the person they lost, which in turn can lead to feelings of guilt and shame. It’s hard to work through something like that. And I don’t think it gets any easier if the circumstances are as emphasised as in this case.

      I think there are very valid use cases for assisted suicide. Personally I doubt that depression is one of them, because suicidality is such an inextricable part of the disorder itself. At the end of the day this is a suicide, just with extra steps and a stamp of approval by a national agency. The people surviving her will not only have to work through the fact of her suicide but process the official approval as well.

      The only advantage to a “regular” suicide I can think of is avoiding the trauma of the person finding you. (Although there are probably ways around that anyway.) But I guess she has her reasons to have chosen this specific method and setting.

  • some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
    5 months ago

    Had my diagnosed mental health condition hadn’t mellowed with age, I wouldn’t be able to have a functional life or hold a job. I support this woman making her own decisions about whether she can bear the burden of existence.