The reason why I think obesity is morally wrong and should be illegal is because obesity is putting up a big burden on our health care system. There are alot of nurses who get injured on the job because they had to move a 300lb morbidly obese person to the other room. Which is morally wrong because they’re injurying nurses simply because they decided to stuff their face with food everyday and live a very sedentary lifestyle.

And parents that overfeed their 155lb 10 year old child with food everyday are immoral and should be put in prison for child abuse and child endangerment because a child doesn’t know the long term social ramifications of obesity. A child doesn’t know that stuffing their face with food everyday is going to eventually give them a heart attack and stroke which could result in them dying at a very young age.

Obese people should be punishes for their immoral behavior by paying more taxes, paying double bus fare and pay double the price for airplane tickets as punishment for taking up too much space on the bus on the airplane.

    5 months ago

    It’s deletorious to your health to be obese, so at the very least it is definitely a health hazard to the person. Making it illegal would be highly problematic though. How would you enforce the law? Would an obese person be forced by the state to go to a correctional facility? What kind of person would be classified obese?

      5 months ago

      It’s practically “illegal” to be obese in the US Marine Corps. Those that don’t meet the requirements, get put on a special training program, generally have informal extra duties, are prevented from being promoted, lose opportunities for nice billets & duty stations, and can eventually get kicked out.

      Reqs were based on height to weight ratio. Of someone exceeded the reqs, then they could request one of those pinch tests. The 2nd option was mostly used by those that had a lot of muscle mass yet little fat.