• TheDoozer@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    So what’s the solution here? I’ve heard a lot of stuff about how stuff should be, but the options are not particularly promising. As I see it:

    1. vote local, wait for change to filter up (counterpoint: that’s over a long time range, and for every incremental change it seems like there’s a Citizen’s United, Roe vs. Wade, and PATRIOT Act working in BIG ways in the opposite direction)

    2. vote Biden and try to push him left (counterpoint: hahahaha… oh, sorry, I mean yeah, it has worked to a certain degree when it doesn’t cost him anything or when literally the rest of the Democratic world is against him like with Israel, and only to a small degree, but major changes? Good luck)

    3. Full on revolution (counterpoint: most of the armed and violent people are on the fascist side and have been giddy over the prospect of Civil War 2.0 since Obama took office)

    4. just hold your nose and vote Biden, press and support the Democratic Party to block ways for The Fascists to get more power… register Republican in super red areas to push them away from Fascism, and generally focus on stopping the Fascists first and if we can get back to where we were in the 90s/early 00s, focus on making those big changes. But focus on stopping the Fascists before you lose everything (counterpoint: that is exactly what the people in power want, to give a unending battle to keep what you have so you can’t push for more, and instead lose it all by inches).

    5. Don’t vote, let the Fascists burn it all down, and pick up the pieces to make our Utopia from the ashes like the Federation after the Eugenic Wars. (Counterpoint: …do I need to point out how silly this is? If the Fascists even manage to burn it down instead of doing what Fascists do and expand the crazy and make the world a battleground, the type of people who “rise from the ashes” are rarely the good, Democratic, peace-loving kind. Sorry Star Trek)

    I’m not seeing good options, so if anyone can say another option, or how my conclusions are incorrect, I’d love to get new information. But it seems like choosing the best of bad options, and anything but voting Biden (and Democrats) is the path to suffering. As bad as it is, it can always get worse.