• OccamsRazer@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Protests usually don’t get shut down unless they are particularly disruptive, if they go on for days and if they significantly inconvenience people going about their daily lives. Usually white supremacist marches are cringey and eye rolling, but generally harmless.

    • DessertStorms@kbin.social
      5 months ago

      white supremacist marches are cringey and eye rolling,

      but generally harmless.


      They’re either white supremacist, or harmless, you can’t have both, and the fact that you’re even trying is super fucking gross.

      • OccamsRazer@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        There’s a lot of people in the world with disgusting views, and most of them are irrelevant. White supremacists are irrelevant. They don’t actually do anything besides March around every now and then, and normal people give them side eye and move on with their daily lives.

  • xor@infosec.pub
    5 months ago

    nope… well partially but, the real difference is they bring guns.
    chuds always bring guns to protest… cops aren’t going to tear gas a bunch of guys holding AR-15’s and wearing body armor…

    they only like to attack defenseless people…

      • DessertStorms@kbin.social
        5 months ago

        THIS is the correct answer.

        Cops don’t bother white supremacists for the sole reason that they are on the same fucking side, and often even share a fucking uniform (be it blue shirt and trousers, or white hood).

        That’s also why they are allowed to have armed protests in the first place, while Black people can’t even fucking walk down the street without being treated as armed and dangerous and shot dead by cops on a regular basis for simply existing. The idea that all leftists need to do is arm themselves if they want an armed protest is so far beyond ignorant, anyone who seriously believes it needs an emergency removal of head from rectum, at the very least…

    • ThePyroPython@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Get. Your. Guns.

      Look, you can howl at every mass shooting and the lack of response for dealing with gun control and a responsible gun culture unlike some other countries in the world.

      But you can’t play with your dream hand you’ve got to play with hand you’ve been dealt.

      And in the American game, guns = might = rights. So show up with them and don’t act stupid.

      Act cool, calm, and collected. Show these chud that if they really want to escalate to a civil war, they’re not going to be the only ones firings shots. Don’t fire the first one, fire the last.

  • umbrella@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    can’t overstate this enough. fascism is already here and people don’t seem to be getting it.

  • teamevil@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Most folks are fairly ignorant of their rights due to a combination of lack of schools educating us on rights along with the desperate struggle to keep a roof over our heads…which those taking our rights understand. We need to seriously encourage real journalism hold shitty police action accountable and demand that out rights are met.

    • DessertStorms@kbin.social
      5 months ago

      Most folks are fairly ignorant of their rights due to a combination of lack of schools educating us on rights along with the desperate struggle to keep a roof over our heads

      spot on

      which those taking our rights understand have purposefully designed to be that way.

      We need to seriously encourage real journalism hold shitty police action accountable

      Never going to happen, since the mainstream media is also in service/under control of those taking our rights.

      demand that out rights are met

      Yes, By force. Because force is what we’re facing, and asking nicely (or writing exposés) is never going to free us from under it.

      • RustyShackleford@literature.cafe
        5 months ago

        Never going to happen, since the mainstream media is also in service/under control of those taking our rights.

        Bingo, the mainstream media hasn’t been trustworthy for roughly 2 decades. It’s just canned propaganda brought to you from billionaires.

      • teamevil@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        Well yeah I know…it sucks that real accountability in journalism is gone and Boeing can randomly benefit from whistle blowers dying randomly with no consequences…and I know it’s going to come down to something ugly, but I’d like to hope not …as much as I can’t stand what’s going on in this country, the folks I know whom politically I might vehemently disagree on the surface, when we get beyond the surface usually we all want the same things…(Like the ability and opportunities afforded to the generations before, raise and provide for a family (wether it’s biological or chosen family) and not have someone else telling you what you can and can’t do)

        All that being said, I’d wish we as a society would really realize there absolutely ARE two parties, just not the ones we think of…it’s the haves and the have nots and every single politician is on the Haves side…Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell have more in common with eachother than they will with any of us have nots…

        Sad part is we’re allowing them to use hate and fear to divide our resolve…we need to band together and force the government to acknowledge our demands and it begins on the local level and starts with a binding anonymous civilian review board on the police…You have to serve on it like a jury and all police complaints are reviewed and ruled on.

        Whilst I’m on this happy unicorn fart of a dream, Police Unions should not exist (you shouldn’t be able to actively engage in union busting and have a union represent you) and more so they should ONLY be involved in contract negotiations…not going out and making statements about unsolved crimes

        (like the police Union did in Houston a few years ago when the drug officer made up uninformant did a no knock raid and ended up killing a completely innocent couple who were returning fire at the police because they had no idea why people were breaking into their house in the middle of the night… It’s 100% on a dirty cops back but the police Union had no problem screaming about them having targets on their backs.)

        No more gypsy cops ( fired due to disciplinary action but the records don’t follow the rights violating officer) no more speakers that want to train cops they are engaging with the public and public=Enemy. Some goddamn oversight on the military hardware we give to police so they military has an excuse to buy new toys…

        Fuck man we need to call out every single police force and authority that stood by watching peaceful student protests to be attacked, only jumping in to attach the students when they defended themselves…

        • DessertStorms@kbin.social
          5 months ago

          Or just abolish the police entirely. From their inception their sole reason to exist has been to protect the rich and their property, and to oppress the people in the name of the state.

          Otherwise, you’re spot on with the haves vs have-nots and keeping us divided, because it isn’t just money that there are haves and have nots but other privileges too, which those in charge have artificially created to divide us further in service of gaining and maintaining their money and the power it gives them.

          (on a side note, “gypsy” is a slur used against Roma and other Traveller people, and should really only be used if it is being reclaimed by one of them)

          • teamevil@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            I meant no offense to the Roma people, it’s just the term that I have heard used to refer to police who are assholes, get fired and then get to do it all over again with a clean slate.on a new force. (Edit: No offense to any traveling folk either. Feel free to let me know what to refer to the trash police and I’ll edit.)

            Also check out the podcast Behind the Bastards about Cops… ultimately you’re correct but more specifically “cops” or Citizens in Patrol was a “polite” way of saying they were able mob of assholes dragging slaves (willing to bet it didn’t matter to them, slave or not) back to their captors. Great podcast

            • DessertStorms@kbin.social
              5 months ago

              Yeah, a lot of people don’t realise where the word comes from (same for “gypped” which comes from being scammed by a “gypsy”), and use it for both negative and “positive” (more like cultural appropriation, like when a white hippy calls themselves that word for example). Being willing to learn and do better is what matters, so you’re good!

              Personally I call cop all sorts of other names - bastards, pigs, nonce (UK slang for paedophile), but any swear, or accurate descriptor can work - fuckers, arseholes, oppressors, class traitors, and so on lol

              I’m not big on podcasts, but I’ve heard a lot about that behind the bustards episode in particular, I might have to give it a listen (though I am aware of the history of the police/slave patrols from other, written, sources, but the more you look, the worse it gets).

              (Edit to add a couple of those sources I have bookmarked, in case anyone is interested: The Police Were Created to Control Working Class and Poor People, Not ‘Serve and Protect’ and Capitalism was created by the police power. Also bonus gif of cops getting grenade thrown back at them by a fucking legend I found in my folder lol)

  • Nora@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    It hasn’t clicked for most people that they’re going to have to do a “murder the bourgeois/fascists” soon.

    People have gotten too complacent and they’re scared. Big change is scary.