Hi! So far I’ve been having a super great time with Lemmy, but I’m a little confused as to why I’m suddenly unable to upload images. I wanted to post an image in an image sharing thread, but whenever I clicked “upload image”, I’d get a rotating circle thingy after selecting the picture file I wanted to upload, which would rotate for a few moments then stop, and nothing happened after that. I made sure the picture was under 100kb but no matter how many times I tried, the picture wouldn’t upload and no error messages came up.

I went and tried to make an image post rather than an image comment, and a similar thing happened where it’d seem to be uploading and then when it stopped, it gave me an “unexpected token” “json” error, or an error about deadlines. I was previously able to upload pictures just fine as my submission history will show, and Googling didn’t offer much insight. Weirdly enough, when I’m logged in the only posts I can see on my profile’s post submission history is just my oldest one and none of the others. I can see all the other post submissions I’ve made when I log out and look at my profile though. Comments seem to be unaffected.

Everyone else in the image sharing thread seemed to be able to upload pictures directly to the thread, rather than just linking them, so I’m wondering if I may have broken some rule without being notified and I’ve perhaps lost some posting privileges recently? I’m new to social media in general so I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I’ve only ever been using the same device (PC) and browser since creating my account. Thanks in advance! 😃