• EatATaco@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    Also, I think if you were being honest, you’d admit that you only found the article because you did a web search for, “was the Democratic primary rigged,” and picked the first thing that supported your worldview,

    Lol this is hilarious. Notice how you didn’t address any points in the actual paper, you just searched the Internet, found an opinion of his you could use to claim bias. Makes it easier than actually having to consider the facts.

    You’ve also got me completely wrong. Like you, I thought the DNC fucked sanders. I bought into the narrative too and as the facts were initially coming out, they seemed pretty damning to me. And I was pissed.

    However, after the dust settled I looked around objectively reanalyzed the facts and realized that there was really no substance to the claims sanders was screwed.

    Did the DNC prefer Clinton? Yes. We’re there things they did wrong that hurt Sanders? Sure. Is there evidence that the primary was rigged? Not, not a shred. You’ve not provided anything. All you’ve done, like a good trump supporter, is point to things that make you suspicious. And like you I was suspicious to so I don’t consider that unreasonable.

    But now that the facts have come out, to still hold onto that initial assumption is evidence of desperately trying to hold onto a worldview.

    • pjwestin@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Notice how you didn’t address any points in the actual paper.

      You didn’t bring up any points of the paper! You literally just posted a link saying, “the proof is in the pudding.” You clearly didn’t read it, so why would I do more work to refute your point than you did to make it? You’re not only going to ignore every point I bring up, but you expect me to read and refute any hyperlink you share, even though you can’t even articulate what you’re linking to?

      The closest thing you’ve done to commenting on the content of the paper was saying it, “looks at many different angles, and actually quantifies things.” You’re like the kid that didn’t read the assignment but is desperately trying to give his book report based on the synopsis on the back. Oh, you think this paper has, “actual analysis,” from, “many different angles,” and, “quantifies things?” How specific! Clearly you’ve read the entire thing and have a commanding grasp of its contents.

      I mean, FFS, I typed, “was the Democratic primary rigged,” and this paper was the second result, and the first one that did nothing to challenge your world view. This is just embarrassing.

      OK, I know I’ve said this twice already, but I’m really done now. I’ve wasted enough of my life dunking on you. This is starting to be embarrassing for me as well. You can go ahead and have the last word. I’m out.

      • EatATaco@lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        You didn’t bring up any points of the paper!

        Wait, you think I need to reiterate all the points in the paper rather than just have you read the primary source? What sense does this make?

        You clearly didn’t read it,

        What, exactly, made this clear?

        but you expect me to read and refute any hyperlink you share

        No, I “expect” (I suspect you’re too far into this now to ever admit you may have been wrong, so I don’t actually expect it) you to read the link (or at least skim over it) and realize that the facts don’t support your conclusion that the election was rigged against Sanders. The paper provides some pretty compelling evidence. The most damning that the DNC controls the caucuses, while the states run their individual primaries. . .and Sanders did better in the ones run by the DNC. It’s funny that you put more effort “refuting” the paper by scouring the web to give you some kind of out, rather than actually addressing anything in the papers themselves.

        You’re like the kid that didn’t read the assignment but is desperately trying to give his book report based on the synopsis on the back.

        And if that’s me, you’re the kid who just read the title and concluded you know everything about the book, then when showed the synopsis you deny that’s what it’s about. You probably would say something genius like “If I search for ‘synopsis of book’ this synopsis is one of the first results!” lol literally anything to avoid the actual point.

        You can go ahead and have the last word. I’m out.

        Without addressing a single thing in the paper too. Well done. But sure, Harry Reid said he wasn’t give a fair shake. That’s it, it was obviously rigged against him. Damn, super convincing.