• Todd Bonzalez@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    It’s rare, but it happens. They’re consenting adults.

    I understand your desire to make this point, but a 45 year old man marrying a woman a mere 3 years after she reaches adulthood does, in fact, say a ton about the 45 year old man.

    Is it legal? Sure.

    Is there anything anyone can do about it? No.

    Is it an indicator that this man only sees value in women’s youth, and lacks the maturity to maintain a relationship with a woman his own age? Absolutely.

    Is it worth pointing out that this man is a member of a party that constantly fearmongers about sexual deviancy and “protecting children”, but also fucks women less than half his age? You fucking bet it is.

    At the end of the day, this deranged fucker took the floor to defend a convicted criminal, and his 6-year-old child absolutely bodied him with goofy faces. We can pick him apart for all of his flaws and hypocrisy, because he fucking deserves it.