I want to better organize my bookmarks, but I got a lot of them and even if I already tried to be a bit more organized, they look awful to me. I try to organize them by category and by folder, but still I don’t want to have 100 folders of 1 bookmark.

  • Paragone@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Hierarchical organizing is a balance:

    You can do things the Apple way, & have only 3 choices at each level, but then you either need to dumb-down everything so it fits in a sane depth, discarding most potentials, XOR you run into near-infinite-depth…

    Or you can do thing the other way, with wide selections at each level, and much fewer levels…

    but then you get the visual/cognitive clutter…

    Sometimes I do it so that at the top I’ve got something like…

    • Humanities
    • Geekery
    • Art
    • Apps
    • Projects
    • Books
    • Articles

    ( I’m just doing this off the top of my head, hence the not-in-alphabetical-order-or-any-other-sane-grouping )

    In other cases I might do this…

    • Books___Technical
    • Books___REF
    • Books___Psychology


    IOW, limit the number-of-things visible at each level,

    AND fan-out enough so that I reduce the stuff at the next stage, see?

    That balance is the whole key.

    However you impliment your right-balance, it’s the most important thing in getting it usably-right for you, long-term.

    It may require you to develop a couple new habits, like more-careful organizing, or like bearing something that you don’t like, aesthetically, but the reduced-waste-of-effort in having things FINDABLE can become significant, long-term, see?

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