Leave a message here or send me an e-mail or PM if you would like to help me translate the application into a language that is not currently available or if you would like to review existing translations to improve them.

The app is currently translated in:

  • Arabic (AK2H)
  • Chinese (app13)
  • English (me)
  • French (Hamza E)
  • German (OlliG)
  • Greek (myself)
  • Hindi (Vepel)
  • Hungarian (gidano)
  • Korean (JH)
  • Italian (and i)
  • Japanese (deepl.com)
  • Russian (Igor)
  • Portuguese (Douglas M.)
  • Slovenian (Peter)
  • Spanish (rodrigoJPC)
  • Thai (StarWalking2017)
  • Turkish (Cagdas)
  • Ukrainian (Serhii)