• WindyRebel@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      The parts they skip regarding loving thy neighbor and some part about baring false witness against thy neighbor? The part where Jesus hung out with those who were considered sinners and loved them, he preached to turn to God but he didn’t actively try and fuck them over? How about not worshipping others over God (like Drumpf)? How about the part where it talks about performing how to perform abortion (not the way we should, but it doesn’t list fetuses as being humans to save)? How about the part where God is the one judging humanity (not sure he left a clause allowing humans to pre-judge)?

      There’s probably more, but I am not religious. The moral here is, God gets to have say - not bum fucks who interpret his word. Bum fuck’s job is to talk him up on the mortal plane before he gets tired of his science experiments and wipes us all out.

      • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        The parts they skip regarding loving thy neighbor

        Yeah and who is your neighbor? Because in Matthew (where this is mostly covered) Jesus is clear by his actions that kindness was for your group or outsiders of your group that profess their loyalty first. Sure he helps the Caanite woman with her son but only after she groveled. He says as much himself he was sent for the lost sheep of Israel first.

        Anyway this is just the Bible if you look at the works of Augustine and Tertullian you will find true Christian love of your neighbor is saving someone from hell, by torture if needed.

        some part about baring false witness against thy neighbor?

        Not seeing the relevance

        The part where Jesus hung out with those who were considered sinners and loved them, he preached to turn to God but he didn’t actively try and fuck them over?

        Yeah he spent time with the outcasts but he didn’t approve of what he did. Look at the encounter with the man with leprosy (at that time in place they viewed leprosy as a punishment from God for sexual sin). He rebukes him (Mark) and tells him to see a Pharisee to repent (Mark, Luke, and Matthew). No where does he say the law isn’t valid and the punishments arent valid. In fact he argued the sexual rules aren’t restrictive enough! Both in the Sermon On the Plain and the Sermon on the Mount.

        How about not worshipping others over God (like Drumpf)?

        Multiple passages in the Bible talk about how rulers are ordained by God.

        How about the part where it talks about performing how to perform abortion (not the way we should, but it doesn’t list fetuses as being humans to save)?

        Old Testament. These are Christians.

        How about the part where God is the one judging humanity (not sure he left a clause allowing humans to pre-judge)?

        No just no. Bible is consistent about few things but is consistent about this. Shamans are allowed to judge people. Don’t even try that 7th century forgery in John.

        There’s probably more, but I am not religious. The moral here is, God gets to have say - not bum fucks who interpret his word. Bum fuck’s job is to talk him up on the mortal plane before he gets tired of his science experiments and wipes us all out.

        Ok? And I am an atheist. That doesn’t mean I don’t know what the major Christian documents say.

        • WindyRebel@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Don’t care to argue about a book where people pick and choose which passage is relevant to them. The entire thing is about turning to God, not persecuting others which is what many Christians do through the power of electing leaders who will write shitty laws for them.

    • tyler@programming.dev
      4 months ago

      That God hates anything. Literally the entire point of the New Testament is about God’s love. These people aren’t Christian in the slightest if they say that God hates ANYTHING.

      • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        I see. So when that couple was killed because they didn’t give enough money to Paul that was love? When Jesus and him talk about gnashing of teeth in hell that was about love? When Jesus tells people to disdain their own families (including their own children) and follow him that was love? When he tell his followers that his enemies will one day be murdered and cast at his feet that was love? How about Revelations, and the slow rape torture of Jezibel watching her rape children being murdered, was that also love? When Judas dies a gruesome slow death in Luke and Matthew was that love?