• yggstyle@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Alright so I’m happy to expand on this but you first: You have only said gender isn’t what I said it is. Go ahead and explain simply what you believe it is and what you perceive it’s purpose to be.

    Your dinner statement is comparing apples and oranges but sure, I’ll bite:

    A child hates brussel sprouts. They know this because they have had them and can form an informed decision based on their experiences. The first time at aunt Mary’s party they were bad but that was one time. Since then there have been multiple times of eating and disliking this food. They are sure they don’t like them. Experience helps form our decisions. I could continue but I trust you understand and can extrapolate from there.

    I’m happy to continue this dialogue (on either front) but would like you to actually place your definitions and where you stand on the table first.

    • WhatTrees@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      4 months ago

      How about you use a fucking dictionary or the google button on your phone and look it up yourself.

      Gender == sex == sexuality

      Gender isn’t about who you sleep with, or what’s in your genes/jeans.

      If you want to come here to convince people then do the leg-work yourself.

      • yggstyle@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        You opened the dialogue with me, friend. You asked me about my opinion and I explained it. I asked you for the same courtesy and you responded with that. Be civil.

        I even made a pretty good example of that laughable comparison you asked me to. Rather pleased with it, tbh.

        Now: If what you say is true then nobody would be needing reassignment therapy. It doesn’t matter who you sleep with or what’s in your pants after all.

        Now we know that is not true and there is a difference between a man who is gay and a man who is transitioning to a woman. Further it is absolutely about sexuality. We are sexual beings. Our identity is tethered to it. That is the whole point of the transition. Becoming a ______ (who you believe yourself to be.)

        Yes: relationships are not only sexual and can be formed for many reasons … but to say that it isn’t sexual nor tied to what is in your pants is simply incorrect or misinformed.

        • WhatTrees@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          4 months ago

          I didn’t ask you for anything and you didn’t explain anything to me. This was my first comment in this thread. Maybe take some time and see who you are responding to first?

          You can shove your civility politics up your ass. Being civil doesn’t make it not bigoted and doesn’t make you right.

          Since you are too lazy to look them up yourself and do the legwork, I’ll do it for you:

          Sex refers to a set of biological attributes in humans and animals. It is primarily associated with physical and physiological features including chromosomes, gene expression, hormone levels and function, and reproductive/sexual anatomy. Sex is usually categorized as female or male but there is variation in the biological attributes that comprise sex and how those attributes are expressed.

          Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender diverse people. It influences how people perceive themselves and each other, how they act and interact, and the distribution of power and resources in society. Gender identity is not confined to a binary (girl/woman, boy/man) nor is it static; it exists along a continuum and can change over time. There is considerable diversity in how individuals and groups understand, experience and express gender through the roles they take on, the expectations placed on them, relations with others and the complex ways that gender is institutionalized in society.

          Sexuality is a person’s identity in relation to the gender or genders to which they are sexually attracted; the fact of being heterosexual, homosexual, etc.

          If your definition is as broad as you imply, everything is your sexuality and therefore kids doing anything and having any options at all are sexual in nature. Your definition is useless.

          • yggstyle@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            I didn’t ask you for anything and you didn’t explain anything to me. This was my first comment in this thread. Maybe take some time and see who you are responding to first?

            Forgive me for mistaking your hostility on your -first- interaction for being the same blind hostility the prior poster was expressing. That said: find some chill and be civil. Others can manage it- I’m certain you can as well.

            You can shove your civility politics up your ass. Being civil doesn’t make it not bigoted and doesn’t make you right.

            See above.

            Since you are too lazy to look them up yourself and do the legwork, I’ll do it for you:

            I’m educated enough to know the definitions and my experiences certainly give me insight to what you are copying and pasting, thank you. As you were dropping into the conversation above maybe provide some insight as to why you think all of these are completely independent of each other. They aren’t but please expand.

            If your definition is as broad as you imply, everything is your sexuality and therefore kids doing anything and having any options at all are sexual in nature. Your definition is useless.

            I mean freud certainly thought so 🤣. Jokes aside- Let’s be direct: what do you think developing an identity is? Why do we do it?

            • WhatTrees@lemmy.blahaj.zone
              4 months ago

              I could manage it, but bigotry doesn’t deserve respect or civility.

              Do they have to be independent to be different things?

              Why should your dumbass opinion backed by literally nothing but “my experiences” deserve to be discussed or considered at all? Do you have any skin in this game at all or is being a bigot just a fun pastime for you? Do you have any training in these fields? Any new data to discuss? You’ve got an uneducated opinion backed by nothing and discounted by the people who actually study this that you think is hot shit because you like the smell of your own farts.

              • yggstyle@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                In response: why does your perspective bear more weight than mine? That is an impressive ivory tower you are constructing. My responses have been civil and open. All I am getting from you is angst and presumption… and frankly that’s a bad look.

                I’m happy to discuss things but I won’t hesitate to point out you are acting like a child at present.

                • WhatTrees@lemmy.blahaj.zone
                  4 months ago

                  Ahhh shucks, I love when bigots think I’m not being civil enough 😊.

                  Did I come here and post obvious bait to try and convince people? Does my opinion go against the people who study this for a living? Does my position have a complete lack of evidence to support it? It’s like you walked in here and posted some bait about the earth being flat, refused to provide a shred of evidence, and are now complaining about our positions not being on equal footing. They aren’t. If you want to convince people, and you want to contravene scientific evidence you are the one who has to prove it.

                  My position bears more weight because there is actual evidence and experts on my side.

                  Again, your bigotry deserves no respect and your “how very uncouth of you” does nothing. Save the whinging for the safe space you crawled out from. I’m sure all the other bigots will be there to hold your hand and congratulate you.

                  • yggstyle@lemmy.world
                    4 months ago

                    More generic hand waving and resorting to mudslinging. If I were actually here to troll rather than have a discussion I wouldn’t be engaging with others in earnest.

                    I’m acquainted with your type and identified it early on. You simply mimic the masses rhetoric and have nothing of substance to bring to the table. When pressed you only can get angry and use that to mask this shortcoming. Honestly though, most people can identify this behavior… children do it frequently. Most grow out of it.

                    I provided you a rope to come back and have civil discourse - you opted to hang yourself with it. Predictable, but a shame.

    • FemboyNB@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      4 months ago

      Point 1: gender is sexual

      Gender is a social construct around behavioural and social traits, sexuality is who one is sexually attracted to, I honestly cannot see how you can correlate the two beyond “this gender is usually heterosexual”.

      Point 2: children should not make puberty decisions unless they are mature, and to be mature they must go through puberty

      If a child is mature enough to go through puberty, then they should be mature enough to make decisions about their puberty.

      Why force someone to go through a puberty they hate, and only after they are finished and the changes become irreversible do you allow them to make a decision on how they wish to mature?

      I understand this point of view because I used to also hold it, but I’m trying to express to you that forbidding puberty blockers causes the exact same problem, someone uninformed on a subject comes to regret their action (or inaction).