• sinovictorchan@lemmygrad.ml
    4 months ago

    Thank you for the introduction and link. From the name, I could guess that the poster is a weeaboo (Japanese popular misconception fanatics) who has fascination to the reputation of kulak. Pax Americana media tend not to avoid attention to any group of victim of Communism to avoid investigation into the true nature of the victim of Communism unless one of those groups have currently active propaganda purpose, so the use of Kulak word in the name indicated that the poster has personal connection or unusual interest to Kulak. The content of the post indicated that the poster is against immigration and associate the Palestinians and immigrants to zombies and aliens. The post seem to make allusion to zombie shooter games to glorify violence, xenophobia, and racism.

    Do the poster realized that the attributes of infinite hordes, sexual violence, and replacement described the British diaspora more than the new immigrants to America? The British diaspora engages in mass reproduction and uncontrolled immigration to justify the replacement and imprisonment of the Aboriginal people in concentration camps with planned starvation and planned chemical attacks that still continues to today. The British diaspora engage in uncontrolled mass sexual violence against aboriginal children in Indian Residential fake school death camps from 1980s that continues after 1997 in secret and that act as a blueprint for the Nazi death camps. In fact, the 150 years of fake school Holocaust had transformed the British diaspora into parasites who need to import a large number of immigrants of color to sustain their survival and reproduction at the abandonment of their rural counterpart into planned poverty. If anyone have association to dangerous zombie that must be eradicated, then those person should be the Western European immigrants with their fake school Holocaust and free riding over aboriginal groups.