another obviously correct opinion from Lucidity

    4 months ago

    No doubt this is because the title is a tad afoul of the site guidelines ( so we had to change it. I thought it would be amusing to change it to something as meek and passive-aggressive as the original is, er, forthright, so I did.

    what a terrible fucking moderator. the original title doesn’t violate any of these guidelines (it’s not clickbait by any real definition of the term) so dang and the orange site’s shitty community decided to try and limit the article’s impact by flagging it (which didn’t work) and editorializing its title (which has search indexing and discoverability implications beyond just being lame as fuck and an enforcement of a rule that dang hallucinated)

    half the comments were all just about how aggressive the article’s tone is

    ah. I’ll brace for even more orange site fuckwits to come here and try and tone police Ludic’s writing