I love in Colorado, which is a pretty dry state, so while I had heard of “wet filament”, I never considered it to be a problem that I would have to worry about. I had seen people creating dry storage bins for their filament, but figured that must just be for people in humid climates.

When I first bought my 3D printer a few years ago, I did what most people probably do - I bought a 10 pack of different filament colors. Everything printed great for a while, but eventually, my prints just started to kind of suck. I made a few upgrades to my printer, but still couldn’t pinpoint what was going on. What was frustrating, is that some times my prints would be great - but other times I couldn’t even print the most simple prints without problems.

I eventually noticed that my great prints were from newer filament that I had recently purchased, but my bad prints were coming from spools I’ve had sitting out for a while. So I purchased a $40 filament dryer on Amazon and it instantly fixed all the problems I’d been having.

I feel dumb, because I had gone through three different extruders, new hot ends, new nozzles, tubing, and spent tons of time cleaning and tightening stuff on my printer. I had left my printer untouched for months because it was just so frustrating. Something as simple as old filament left out never occurred to me until much later.

TLDR; If your prints have started to suck after a while, you might want to try drying your filament.

  • empireOfLove2@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    4 months ago

    Humidity is relative, not absolute. Air’s carrying capacity for water increases as temperature goes up, even if the total amount of water in the air is the same.

    Air with 50%RH at 70F (eg, it has 50% of its max water content) only has about 10%RH at 120F. So if you get the filament hot, it gets dry. This can be improved with outside air circulation i guess, but it’s not necessary and usually causes extra energy use due to heating the makeup air.

    • elauso@feddit.de
      4 months ago

      That I am aware of. But without any circulation the hot air will simply cool down and condensate once I turn off the dryer, wouldn’t it? Leaving either highly saturated air or even some water droplets, ready to be absorbed by the filament again

      • empireOfLove2@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        4 months ago

        This is true. If you left it in the same environment it would eventually return to equilibrium and the net result would be the same. the key is that the plastic has a limited take up rate of atmospheric moisture. so if you dry it for a few hours, the water migrates out slowly, but then takes quite some time to migrate back in.

        generally people either print from a dryer box or dry filaments immediately before printing.