I hate that groups like the ACLU have to defend nazi scum to protect my liberties. Better that the government not violate our rights in the first place, but in lieu of that, even nazi scum is subject to the same rights and due process as any other citizen. However, I wouldn’t mind if they got pantsed a couple of times by their lawyers.

  • just_another_person@lemmy.world
    9 days ago

    Attorneys from the ACLU’s National Security Project will be working with Brandon Clint Russell’s defense “for the limited purpose of challenging the government’s secretive warrantless surveillance under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act,” Ashley Gorski, a senior staff attorney with the National Security Project, said in a statement to The Verge.

    You dumb, fucking, asshole. Do you even know what a fascist is? God damn you’re dumb. Your post history is fucking depressing, dawg. Lay off the bottle and go do something useful with your time.