Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) introduced legislation on Friday that would prevent anti-Israel protesters from receiving student loan forgiveness if they are convicted of a crime stemming from campus demonstrations.

The Arkansas Republican’s No Bailouts for Campus Criminals Act, which is co-sponsored by 18 other GOP senators, would make any individual convicted of a state or federal offense in connection with a campus protest ineligible for any federal student loan relief.

“Americans who never went to college or responsibly paid off their debts shouldn’t have to pay off other people’s student loans,” Cotton said in a statement.

“They especially shouldn’t have to pay off the loans of Hamas sympathizers shutting down and defacing campuses,” he added.

    2 months ago

    College is SOOOO Good now that it requires the Government to COMPLETELY REMOVE the First Amendment Protections of American Citizens ("We can’t stop School Shootings because of the CONSTITUTION!) and also Student Loan Bailouts are a Good thing now and also it’s a Good Thing for Americans who own Zero Yachts to pay for Jeff Bezo’s multiple Yachts with our Tax Dollars?