• undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    He’s infamous. That’s not the same as famous. He’s infamous for being wold class at being slimy, racist and immoral but, despite this, still managing to have a cult of brain dead sycophants who worship his every action.

    The reason people say trump is bad and repelling is Trumps own actions and words. The difference is that those people that find him to be exactly that haven’t been groomed into rejecting the evidence of their eyes and ears.

    • CableMonster@lemmy.ml
      2 months ago

      He is now, but he was top tier famous for decades before politics. If you were actually intereseted in what is happening not just the propaganda, almost everything bad they say about trump is a direct lie or misleading. You just need to read past the headline to see its propaganda. Litearlly just dive down on any story.

      • undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        So, just to be clear, its everyone else in the world who’s wrong and susceptible to propaganda and your little cult whos correct?

        Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure you’ve been groomed into knee-jerk dismissing anything bad anyone ever says about trump as propaganda, before you’ve even had a chance to consciously think about it. However, that’s not the same as your wild and baseless dismissals being the right thing to do. It just means that you have been conditioned to ignore the evidence of your eyes and ears.

        What makes you immune to this “propaganda” that all those who fall for it lack? Which bad bits are true then, if its only “nearly all of it” that’s wrong.

        • CableMonster@lemmy.ml
          2 months ago

          I am not going to vote for trump, but no, everyone is susceptible to it, and some are more susceptible. The MAGA people also believe propaganda but its different types, they come from an experience of the government fucking them over for decades and want someone they believe will fight back.

          I am more immune to propaganda based on being an former engineer that just looks at data to make my beliefs. The trick there is to actually look at correct data and not be influenced by headlines or misleading information. The big problem is that your group believes that the media will tell you the truth and will not lie to you. For example look back a month or so ago when they were all claiming Biden was “sharp” when that was obviously a lie to anyone who was skeptical. Anyone that was impartial could see that he wasnt fully functional anymore back in 2020.

          • undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            Okay, so, I’ll tryagain, what bad things that “they” say about Trump are true, if nearly all of it is lies?

            People who don’t want to vote for trump have been fucked over for decades too. So, it can’t be that. If true, it must be something else.

            You say that yet most data-driven white collar workers, like yourself, don’t vote for trump. So, that doesn’t make any sense. You’ve just presumed yourself to be superior and to know better than everyone else, despite the data.

            In fact, its my own data driven career and analysis of the numbers and not the wild declarations of a 72 year old fellow that made me beleive what is said about trump and not the other way round.

            Its bizzare that you focus of the grain of sand that is Biden maybe, possibly, somewhere, sometime, being called the very unquantifiable and relative term of “sharpe” and not the metric fuck tonnes of lies told in favour of trump that are believed without question by his cult. Even stranger still is that you expect the other side to play with a completely, 100% straight bat when their opponent has literally tried to overthrow Americam democracy and doesn’t care if their guy is a racist paedophile rapist wholl tell every lie under the sun if they think it will help them. I’m not even saying that he 100% is or isn’t. I’m saying they wouldn’t care and would follow him anyway.

            That’s what falling for propaganda and being cult-like looks like.

            • CableMonster@lemmy.ml
              2 months ago

              There are plenty of bad things about trump, thats not in question its just the sensational things are always bullshit or misleading. I have all kinds of policy, execution, and moral issues with him, but that is not what ever comes up its about how he said a racist thing to a homeless man on the street before punching him, sources say.

              I picked “sharp” or “sharp as a tack” because there is a video floating around with all the major people in the corporate media and corporat politics calling him sharp or praising how he is on top of his game.

              • undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                Any specific examples of these bad things? I agree that its not you, its the cult that are the problem but I have to check.

                I get that. I’m just saying the double standard is kind of wild. I mean, its not like anyone ever would come out and say “yeah, our candidate (much like the other candidate) was too old for this job 10 years ago. Hes lost it. Dont vote for him.” Thats not been the nature of politics for the past 100 years.

                We had the media running back to back reels about Biden age but virtually nothing on the sexual assault he lost a libel case over denying, the now unsealed rape allegations, the russian oligarchs buying up his properties at 10× market rate or his extensive relationship with epstien which are all far bigger issues.

                • CableMonster@lemmy.ml
                  2 months ago

                  Bad things - cheats on his wife while she is pregnant (probably), is a jackass to many people, hires bad people, spends way too much money, doesnt do what he says he will do, and a variety of policy problem.

                  The problem I have that is he is not just a candidate, he is the current president. And its not just people in his party that said he was fine, it was the supposed unbiased media.

                  Do you really believe that the media doesnt cover trump negatively?

                  • undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
                    2 months ago

                    Fair enough, thats a few.

                    True but I feel a lot of that would net off against trump also being old and losing it, as well as all the other things coming out about him that should be front page news.

                    Even then, he stepped aside and put his country first. Thats something trump would never do.

                    Its hard to say. His supporters would consider simply telling the truth about the things trump does/has done to be reporting on him negatively. There’s also a lot of negative things to say about him and the people he represents. The media isn’t all the same either. Social media like X is owned by a huge trump supporter, who will be looking to paint trump positively.

                    Honestly, he tried to overthrow your democracy and then loaded up supreme judges to pervert the democratic choice of the majority of the country. He’s had security provided at republican meetings by the “three percenters” white supremacist group. Hes just told everyone he’s going to “fix voting.” So, he about to have a second shot at what he tried on January 6.

                    The press he gets isn’t nearly negative enough.