Morning Champions!

Here’s our weekly music thread. What are you obsessing over this week? What’s new on your horizon?

Drop some links and share the love.

    1 year ago

    DAMN. by Kendrick Lamar is definitely catching my interest more each time I listen. plus, the story behind DAMN. along with the idea/concept that is the collector’s edition is so interesting. i think it’s safe to say i am obsessed with this album right now

    also, i am still obsessed with Across the Spiderverse right now and the soundtrack for that movie is so fantastic, so i’ll continue my obsession with that album for at least a few more weeks

    1 year ago

    Generally not a huge pop fan but I’m a big fan of Carly Rae Jepsen. Emotion is one of the best pop albums of the last 30 years, however I’ve liked her last two albums progressively less and less, which was a worrying trend.

    However her new album out this Friday is FANTASTIC. It has her most forward thinking and experimental production she’s ever had, and every song is growing on me a ton. It’s definitely her best since Emotion and I’m a huge fan of it. I think I’m at 4 listens now and I’m trying to hold off until Friday when it officially releases to listen again.