Dunking on the US like it’s the 20th century in this removed, is this the work of The Spectre of Big Gommunism???

  • Munrock ☭@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago
    1. Have 17% of the world’s population.

    2. Have a talent-seeking system that looks for talented individuals through the entire population, not just amongst the ones that opt-in to the school tryouts.

    3. Make sure that those talented individuals are able to access and afford training, regardless of their family income or background.

    Note that when it comes to sports that China is poor at (like football) they’re mid because they don’t do step 2 for that sport, rather than “they skip step 2 because they’re bad at it”. That’s true of all countries.

  • LarkinDePark@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    I assume it’s better investment and cultural encouragement in facilities that produce great athletes.

    The biggest universities in the west aren’t filled with the brightest people, they’re filled with the kids of the richest. Likewise sportshalls of all kinds are full of the people who can afford it.

        • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️@lemmygrad.ml
          2 months ago

          Exactly, China is everything that India could become- that the rest of the world could become. They have proven that a system that- gasp- educates their citizens, seeks to better their conditions of life, secure shelter and food and employment for them, etc. is more efficient and productive than one that keeps their people desperate and at the brink of destruction, so as to exploit them more (and rob them blind for what little is given).

          They have proven that a system that builds on its infrastructure and exports development and cooperation abroad, is more efficient and productive than one that charges as much as possible for what infrastructure exists (rentier behavior), or even outright prevents further developments (NIMBY behavior) to increase rents, etc… and which instead of developing abroad or at home, simply seeks to kneecap the competition (the “Tonya Harding” strategy- applied internationally, with bombs, regime change, debt traps, funding terrorists and insurgencies, etc).

          They have proven that a system that focuses its energies on solving problems- healthcare, transportation, poverty alleviation and intergenerational poverty/the disenfranchisement of the lumpenproletariat, economic bubbles/speculation, etc- rather than creating new ones and profiteering hand-over-fist for individuals, is more efficient, more prosperous overall.

          Hilariously, they have proven that many (not all) of the original theories of the classical liberals, work- when capital is suborned to the will of the people; communism evolved from their work, after all, critiquing the contradictions and thus explaining what would be required to move forward. They have proven that democracy works; that a genuine rules-based (consensus-driven rules and equitable negotiations) system works.

          They have proven that “liberty, equality, fraternity” and “the pursuit of happiness” works- when that freedom applies first and foremost to the positive freedoms- freedom from hunger, homelessness, unemployment, education-lessness, etc. (and I fully I believe that as circumstances permit, the other freedoms will follow- though rather than “freedom to do drugs” it will be, “freedom from the coercive and addicting nature of drugs, and use, if permitted at all, only allowed after thorough consent and understanding of what one is getting into” for instance) And when that equality applies to all, rather than selectively depending on the wealth and status of the few. And when that fraternity, and pursuit of happiness, is unrestrained by capital and imperialism as its highest form- when the people’s collective, the dictatorship of the proletariat, fraternizes with the common purpose of improving all their material conditions, and defending themselves from those who would seek to destroy said development!

          China has proven that near everything they claim they stand for (while never acting as such in practice), save for the “freedom of capital” (to do as it pleases, and fuck anyone else in the process) works. They have proven that maximizing freedom works (when first one focuses on maximizing the positive freedoms, the freedoms of ALL rather than the few, the empowering freedoms that allow people to actually rise up). They have proven that competition works (when the proletariat is there to prevent monopolies and undue influence from forming- ie. trustbreaking and anti-corruption measures that most of the OG, classical liberals would wholly approve of). They have proven bettering the human condition works.

          And the west has exposed themselves, as always, as the antithesis of almost everything they claim in turn (outside of neoliberalism).